Are the scabs behind my dogs ear and on his rump hot spots or are they from play?

I have recently noticed a few scabs located behind (outside) of my puppy's ear and find him scratching rather often behind his ear and chewing on his side, then the other day noticed a foul smelling sore like scab on his rump. He plays daily in the park…

    Are the scabs behind my dogs ear and on his rump hot spots or are they from play?

    I have recently noticed a few scabs located behind (outside) of my puppy's ear and find him scratching rather often behind his ear and chewing on his side, then the other day noticed a foul smelling sore like scab on his rump. He plays daily in the park…...
    General Dog Discussions : Are the scabs behind my dogs ear and on his rump hot spots or are they from play?...

    • Are the scabs behind my dogs ear and on his rump hot spots or are they from play?

      Are the scabs behind my dogs ear and on his rump hot spots or are they from play? General Dog Discussions
      I have recently noticed a few scabs located behind (outside) of my puppy's ear and find him scratching rather often behind his ear and chewing on his side, then the other day noticed a foul smelling sore like scab on his rump. He plays daily in the park with other puppies.

      Are the scabs behind my dogs ear and on his rump hot spots or are they from play?

      Are the scabs behind my dogs ear and on his rump hot spots or are they from play? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs tend to scratch each other and paw at each other behind the ear. They are probably just scabs. I have an adult dog and a puppy and the puppy gave the adult dog scabs from just playing. They will go away though. I don't know how big your dog is, but you could take an old sock and cut off the toe and and put it over his neck to allow the scabs to heal.

    • This sounds more like fleas than from play. It all depends on how rough your dog plays with others though. It can also be allergies and many other things. If you are worried, or it get worse, I would ask your vet. Typically flea scabs are seen behind the ears and on the behind, this could also be the cause of the scratching. Hope this helps.