What types of dogs can live utside?

I am going to build a small house for a dog outside. But I don't want one to be freezing cold. So do you know which dogs won't be freezing and think it's not too bad. Because where I live it snows. The dog can't go in the house cuz my mom's alergic. So…

    What types of dogs can live utside?

    I am going to build a small house for a dog outside. But I don't want one to be freezing cold. So do you know which dogs won't be freezing and think it's not too bad. Because where I live it snows. The dog can't go in the house cuz my mom's alergic. So…...
    General Dog Discussions : What types of dogs can live utside?...

    • If she's allergic, it's best not to get one unless it's hypoallergenic. The following is a list of dogs considered to be hypoallergenic:American Hairless TerrierAiredale TerrierBasenjiBedlington TerrierBichon FriseBorder TerrierCairn TerrierChinese Crested (hairless)HavaneseKerry Blue TerrierMalteseMiniature SchnauzerPortuguese Water DogPuliShih-TzuSoft Coated Wheaten TerrierSpanish Water DogStandard PoodleStandard SchnauzerTibetan TerrierToy PoodleWest Highland White TerrierWire haired Fox TerrierYorkshire TerrierIf you keep him outside, make sure the house he will be in is NOT the small little things that you normally see (even if the dog is small). I think they should have a big place where they can play and jump and walk around as they please. All dogs will feel cold at some point. They're animals but they aren't that different from you in terms of feeling hot and cold. Go to the animal shelter with your mom (she won't be sick for weeks after that day, and maybe it would help her be okay with a dog at home. Call the shelter and ask them if they have any of the breeds listed above and if it would be possible for you to see them away from the other dogs so that your mother doesn't get her allergies and rejects the dog). If you BUY the dog (pet shops), you don't know where they came from and many of them are not treated right. You would just be supporting that treatment by not getting an abandoned dog, and when you adopt (animals shelters), they also know you are their second chance. Give them a chance.Either get a dog that your mother can agree with and keep it in your home because they don't deserve to be forced to live outside or don't waste your time getting one. If you're not gonna treat it well, you'll just be buying a dog and abusing it. That's not nice.

    • No dog should live outside, they are meant to live with people, not alone. Would you like to live in a little house outside in all types of weather? Re-think this.Leave the dog where it is so someone who can give it a nice warm house to live in can find it. Get a cat instead, they don't need people as much as dogs do.

    • For the man who said a dachsund is what you should get. He is completly wrong dachshunds have to have lots of love and attention they cant live outside. With there long backs and stubby legs there so cute but have to have attention bc pressuer and to much work can cause there backs to break. So i suggest if you wanna get a indoor dog then get a dachshund they are great to cuddle up with. and they are hunting dogs they kill the grass snakes in my back yard.

    • Even dogs bred for cold weather need protection from freezing cold. Be sure to insulate the house you build really well and have a door that closes - a flap of heavy carpeting e.g. I suggest a black roof oriented to absorb the sun's rays with something under the roof to retain that heat. of put dark slate on the roof - it will absorb and retain the sun's warmth. obviously the walls will have to be strong to support a heavy roof. perhaps you shouldn't have a dog if your mother has issues. BTW I too have allergies but I manage them with antihistamines and my dog is not only indoors but on my bed. maybe it's your mom who needs work?

    • You have no business getting a dog with the sole intention of keeping it chained outside. Especially when the newness of getting the dog will soon wear off. And the dog will be doomed to a life of isolation and lonelyness on the end of a chain. Your parents should know better than to even consider this. There are several dogs that are hypo-allergetic and should not bother your mothers allergies. But it is doubtful she will help you pursue a pet of this kind. Sounds to me like your parents just don't want to deal with the "cleaning" that comes with having a dog in the house and allergies are a good excuse.How sad that no one in your household has any respect or concern for the pet you are thinking of acquiring. How disturbing they are setting such a BAD example for you of pet ownership and respect for living creatures.SHAME SHAME ON ALL OF YOU.

    • I think it's ridiculous to attack this girl for seeking out advice. Even if you abhor the idea of keeping a dog outdoors 24/7, do you have to make the girl feel like trash to make your point? Why not give her some positive options like the people who offered her ideas for hypoallergenic breeds that she could keep indoors without upsetting her mom? Personal attacks do very little to impress people with your position on the issue. Jackie, my brother-in-law got a beautiful black lab puppy a few years ago, but his wife refused to let the dog inside, not b/c of allergies but b/c she didn't want the dog to damage her ridiculously perfect house. Anyway, even after successfully completing obedience training, the dog was confined to their small backyard, surrounded by a privacy fence. Within weeks, all the grass was gone and the dog was living in dirt, making it even less likely she'd ever be allowed indoors. Finally, my brother-in-law admitted that the dog couldn't live that way and found her a new home where she could have the attention and love she deserved, and hopefully a place right in the middle of the couch! Trying to keep a dog happy and healthy in such a small area just isn't practical.If your mom absolutely can't or won't consider having any breed of dog inside, then why don't you volunteer at a shelter, kennel, or vet's office? That way you can spend time with dogs who really need it, and be more prepared to care for one someday when you have your own place to keep it.Please don't let people make you feel bad for asking this question, though. It's much better to ask for advice than to just run out and buy a dog you're not prepared to take care of properly.

    • http://www.dogsdeservebetter.com/Please re home your dog. If the dog cannot be apart of the family and have adequate care then you should not keep it. Dogs should never live outside. How would you like to live in a small metal kennel in all temperatures and all weather conditions-rain, wind, snow, sleet, hot, humid. Please think about what you are doing to this poor dog. They are social animals who need companionship and exercise. How can you sit in your warm, dry, safe, comfortable house knowing that a living creature in your care is sitting outside in the freezing snow all by itself? Or in the hot sunny summers?