My friend's dog tore a ligament, what should she do?

My best friend's golden retriever tore his ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) on his back left leg. She took him to the vet and the vet said he would need surgery (which would cost $4,000). She doesn't have that kind of money, but she doesn't want…

    My friend's dog tore a ligament, what should she do?

    My best friend's golden retriever tore his ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) on his back left leg. She took him to the vet and the vet said he would need surgery (which would cost $4,000). She doesn't have that kind of money, but she doesn't want…...
    General Dog Discussions : My friend's dog tore a ligament, what should she do?...

    • My friend's dog tore a ligament, what should she do?

      My friend's dog tore a ligament, what should she do? General Dog Discussions
      My best friend's golden retriever tore his ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) on his back left leg. She took him to the vet and the vet said he would need surgery (which would cost $4,000). She doesn't have that kind of money, but she doesn't want to see her dog suffering. I'm worried because the dog is now putting all his weight on his back right leg. The same thing could happen to his right leg because of all the weight. Are there any alternatives to surgery?

      My friend's dog tore a ligament, what should she do?

      My friend's dog tore a ligament, what should she do? General Dog Discussions
    • She needs to get the money somehow, unless she wants to let the dog suffer in pain. Sell some stuff, borrow money or the last straw: give up the dog. The dog would be so much happier with an owner who can provide the right vet care. Talk to the vet about payment plans to spread the cost out, usually monthly payments.

    • Many specialty veterinarians understand that their costs are VERY high for the average pet owner, and will work with the owner in providing services while reasonable payments are made. Has your friend talked to the surgeon about her financial issues? In addition, the surgeon would be the best person to ask about alternatives to surgery, if even after working out a payment plan it is not feasible to have it done.