ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries?

ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries?

    ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries?

    ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries?...
    General Dog Discussions : ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries?...

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    • ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries?

      ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries? General Dog Discussions
      ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries?

      ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries?

      ACL (Dog) If bothe back leg limagments need suregery, should they be done in seperate surgeries? General Dog Discussions
    • This is something you will need to ask your vet. My dog had ACL surgery on one knee recently and the 6 week crated recovery period was torture. If your vet says it can be done in one surgery, I would go for it. I can't imagine my poor pup having to go through that again.Sorry about your dog and good luck with everything.

    • My first thought would be no. Doing them in seperate surgies can cause more trauma. If you do the right leg first, the left leg will become the weight bearing leg, causing more damage to the already destroyed ligiments. After the left leg is repaired, the newly opperated on right leg will become the weight bearing leg, adding too much weight too quickly.Is this your dog?If so, I'd talk to my vet about getting it done at the same time and looking into something to help the dog still move around. A dog cart or wheelchair could be used to keep the weight equally off the front legs and back legs.