Dog will not put any weight on it's hind leg?

My 4 year old dog (Pit Bull / Boxer mix) chased a four wheeler for about 20 minutes 2 days ago and within a half hour of putting him inside he quit putting weight on it. Now 2 days later and he still won't put any weight on it. It's not the first time…

    Dog will not put any weight on it's hind leg?

    My 4 year old dog (Pit Bull / Boxer mix) chased a four wheeler for about 20 minutes 2 days ago and within a half hour of putting him inside he quit putting weight on it. Now 2 days later and he still won't put any weight on it. It's not the first time…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog will not put any weight on it's hind leg?...

    • Dog will not put any weight on it's hind leg?

      Dog will not put any weight on it's hind leg? General Dog Discussions
      My 4 year old dog (Pit Bull / Boxer mix) chased a four wheeler for about 20 minutes 2 days ago and within a half hour of putting him inside he quit putting weight on it. Now 2 days later and he still won't put any weight on it. It's not the first time it's happened but he's usually fine the next day. Ant suggestions?

      Dog will not put any weight on it's hind leg?

      Dog will not put any weight on it's hind leg? General Dog Discussions
    • Probably tore a ligament .Put ice on 10 minutes and off for 5 minutes for acute pain and limping. Allow him to rest as much as possible.Get him to the vet. Start figuring out how to pay for ACL repair surgery.Good luck, hope he is better soon.

    • Check his paw and see if he has something stuck in it....or maybe he gave himself a sore by running around......if he doesn't get better in the next day or so I say take him to the vet just to be sure....if it has happened more than once there maybe be a more serious problem going on!