What are the requirements for dog licensing in Mississauga?

I need to get a dog license... How much does it cost to get one? What do you need in order to get one? I know you need shots and all but how much do they cost? IN MISSISSAUGA. I'm getting a dog soon.

    What are the requirements for dog licensing in Mississauga?

    I need to get a dog license... How much does it cost to get one? What do you need in order to get one? I know you need shots and all but how much do they cost? IN MISSISSAUGA. I'm getting a dog soon....
    General Dog Discussions : What are the requirements for dog licensing in Mississauga?...

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    • What are the requirements for dog licensing in Mississauga?

      What are the requirements for dog licensing in Mississauga? General Dog Discussions
      I need to get a dog license... How much does it cost to get one? What do you need in order to get one? I know you need shots and all but how much do they cost? IN MISSISSAUGA. I'm getting a dog soon.

      What are the requirements for dog licensing in Mississauga?

      What are the requirements for dog licensing in Mississauga? General Dog Discussions
    • My internet is too slow to load the page, but I am sure you can find everything you're looking for here: http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/animalservicesEdit: Got it to workIf your dog is unaltered (not spayed or neutered), $45 per yearIf your dog is altered $20 per year.