advise for my one year old dog who has eaten hot links and is miserable?

2 days ago my dog ate hot links and got sick stomach is bad gas and is like life less today i gave him a piece of gasx and pedilite but still has bad gas

    advise for my one year old dog who has eaten hot links and is miserable?

    2 days ago my dog ate hot links and got sick stomach is bad gas and is like life less today i gave him a piece of gasx and pedilite but still has bad gas...
    General Dog Discussions : advise for my one year old dog who has eaten hot links and is miserable?...

    • advise for my one year old dog who has eaten hot links and is miserable?

      advise for my one year old dog who has eaten hot links and is miserable? General Dog Discussions
      2 days ago my dog ate hot links and got sick stomach is bad gas and is like life less today i gave him a piece of gasx and pedilite but still has bad gas

      advise for my one year old dog who has eaten hot links and is miserable?

      advise for my one year old dog who has eaten hot links and is miserable? General Dog Discussions
    • Keep him drinking water and give him a little bit of bread maybe. I would never give human medicine to a dog without consent/instructions from a vet, although they do recommend pepto sometimes for dogs. I'm sure it will pass soon enough. Poor dog! Should have never been able to get to the hot links in the first place so lesson learned!