How can I get started in dog competitions?

Not like dog shows, but the frisbee competitions and the Jack Russel races. They are so cute and the dogs seem to love showing off and playing. Is anyone involved in this and how did you get started?

    How can I get started in dog competitions?

    Not like dog shows, but the frisbee competitions and the Jack Russel races. They are so cute and the dogs seem to love showing off and playing. Is anyone involved in this and how did you get started?...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I get started in dog competitions?...

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    • How can I get started in dog competitions?

      How can I get started in dog competitions? General Dog Discussions
      Not like dog shows, but the frisbee competitions and the Jack Russel races. They are so cute and the dogs seem to love showing off and playing. Is anyone involved in this and how did you get started?

      How can I get started in dog competitions?

      How can I get started in dog competitions? General Dog Discussions
    • Call your vet and ask for a recommendation for agility training facilities. They should have several places for you to call, although they'll most likely be in outside the city limits. Facilities like this require a lot of open space, which generally can't be acquired easily in the city.Most likely, after speaking with the owner/director of the facility, you'll have to enroll in some generic obedience classes to make sure that your dog will listen to basic commands. Then you'll slowly work your way up to agility and other such things. Facilities usually compete together. They find a competition they'd like to enter, and members of the facility can either enter and travel with the team and their dogs, or not.

    • Visit the UKC (United Kennel Club), they offer terrier races. http://www.ukcdogs.comAs for frisbee, the dog has to be trained to chase the frisbee, you can start by visiting Skyhoundzhttp://www.skyhoundz.comNo matter what sport or what venue you want to compete in, you still have train your dog. For instance, I don't know if you realize it or not, but the terriers are muzzled. Google Terrier Races for more info.I'm not involved in either sport. I don't own a terrier, but I have seen terrier races, plus, my dogs don't particularly care for frisbees. I do obedience & agility, which are sports that also require the dog to be trained before entering a show.