What are these bumps on my dog? Please help!?

I have a Boston terrier and I love him to death! He has 2 bumps, a small one on his side and a pretty big one on his back. You can tell where the hair is raised and I looked the best I could and his skin looks bumpy and white I think? My mom is afraid…

    What are these bumps on my dog? Please help!?

    I have a Boston terrier and I love him to death! He has 2 bumps, a small one on his side and a pretty big one on his back. You can tell where the hair is raised and I looked the best I could and his skin looks bumpy and white I think? My mom is afraid…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are these bumps on my dog? Please help!?...

    • What are these bumps on my dog? Please help!?

      What are these bumps on my dog? Please help!? General Dog Discussions
      I have a Boston terrier and I love him to death! He has 2 bumps, a small one on his side and a pretty big one on his back. You can tell where the hair is raised and I looked the best I could and his skin looks bumpy and white I think? My mom is afraid the bumps are tumors and he has cancer but I don't want to believe that! Can someone please help I don't wanna lose him if it is serious. Thank you!

      What are these bumps on my dog? Please help!?

      What are these bumps on my dog? Please help!? General Dog Discussions
    • How big are the bumps what size is the one on his back? Is it a round/flat type shape? Sometimes they get bumps from bug bites and fleas, but sometimes it can be serious such as a tumor or internal bleeding. I would take him to the vet.

    • Best to take him to the vet to have the growths checked. They could be cysts, warts, simple lipomas, or a more serious growth. Caught early, a more serious growth could be surgically removed or treated. Left without treatment, it could get worse.I hope they are benign growths. Good luck!