My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be?

My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be?

    My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be?

    My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be?...

    • My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be?

      My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be?

      My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be?

      My dog is limping, we have found a lump there whet could this be? General Dog Discussions
    • I'm not a vet. These are basic questions. The answers may help someone more qualified to answer.What kind of lump? How large? Where?Is your dog in pain?As someone else mentioned, a lump could be a tumor. Some dogs/breeds can get 'lipomas' which are fatty, benign tumors. These typically would not cause your dog to limp. A lump could also be fluid from a soft injury like a sprain (have you ever sprained your ankle and it swelled up?), or, if it's hard, it could be a broken bone.My first recommendation would be to take your dog to a vet as soon as you can tomorrow.