my dog has a lump on her back should i take her to the vets?

my dog has a lump its just come just wondering what it is

    my dog has a lump on her back should i take her to the vets?

    my dog has a lump its just come just wondering what it is...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog has a lump on her back should i take her to the vets?...

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    • my dog has a lump on her back should i take her to the vets?

      my dog has a lump on her back should i take her to the vets? General Dog Discussions
      my dog has a lump its just come just wondering what it is

      my dog has a lump on her back should i take her to the vets?

      my dog has a lump on her back should i take her to the vets? General Dog Discussions
    • should get on the internet and ask random people what they think the lump is.....Since no one here has ever seen your dog .... they should know EXACTLY what is wrong with it.

    • How old is she? A lot of times it's just a benign growth called a Lipoma, especially if on a middle to older aged, overweight female. There's a good description at Wikipedia under Lipoma. However, it's always a good idea to get it checked out with a veterinarian just to be sure.