How much attention does a dog need each day?

We just got a pound puppy, he's a bit over a year old. I've never had a dog of my own before so I am quite nervous. I am wondering how much time dogs need to spend with people each day and what kind of time they need to chill out by themselves. How long…

    How much attention does a dog need each day?

    We just got a pound puppy, he's a bit over a year old. I've never had a dog of my own before so I am quite nervous. I am wondering how much time dogs need to spend with people each day and what kind of time they need to chill out by themselves. How long…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much attention does a dog need each day?...

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    • How much attention does a dog need each day?

      How much attention does a dog need each day? General Dog Discussions
      We just got a pound puppy, he's a bit over a year old. I've never had a dog of my own before so I am quite nervous. I am wondering how much time dogs need to spend with people each day and what kind of time they need to chill out by themselves. How long do you leave your dog alone for? Are you able to go out to the movies and the dog is ok? Is it ok to leave a dog inside alone?Thanks for your tips!

      How much attention does a dog need each day?

      How much attention does a dog need each day? General Dog Discussions
    • Puppies need more attention than adult dogs. Some breeds need more attention than others. For example, Border Collies need constant mental stimulation, so they can't be left alone very long. But a dog like a Chihuahua can. What breed do you have?My dogs are alone for a little over 7 hours on the weekdays. They generally have someone around for the entire day on the weekends, maybe no one will be home for an hour.You don't need to be with the dog 24 hours a day. But you can't leave the dog alone for too long. 8 hours is usually the maximum with most adult breeds- more intelligent and active breeds can't go that long. It's a lot less with a puppy.

    • Hi... Your new dog needs exercise every day... so it's a good idea to take him out to run - dog park, beach, biking with you, etc... (as long as it's a safe area for dogs)He will need his shots if he doesn't have them, before being exposed to other dogs. Socialization is great for dogs -- they really need to be around other dogs.And you can play with him when you feel like it at home, sit and pet him and make him feel welcome.... you will know what he needs as far as attention goes once he's lived with you a while.You can find a lot of good information on the internet (free).do a google or yahoo search forDog TrainingDog ObedienceHow to Care for a Dog Housebreaking a Dogand try this site - it's great

    • NOT a good idea to leave him outside alone; someone might steal him, he might escape, he might get into trouble and you wouldn't be there to rescue him.Dogs need to feel that they are part of a family. They can be left alone for hours if necessary; it's easier on the dog if you leave and return at the same time each day. My dog now is rarely alone for more than 3-4 hours, and that only a couple of times a week, since while I'm at work, my mom's still home. The dog's home alone on grocery day, but on trash day mom take the dog with her. Previously I lived alone and worked full-time, so my dog was home alone for nine to ten hours a day, five times a week. I made it up to him by spending two hours before dinner playing and training with him, and even more time on the weekends.Get him used to the idea of being home alone gradually: leave him for ten minutes (walk next door and check your watch). Don't make a fuss about leaving or returning. Just walk out: "Bye, Pup! See you later!" When you come back, "Hi, Pup! I'm home!" Do that a couple of times a day, gradually lengthening the times.If he's a nervous type, give him a chew toy like a Nylabone Original, or Kong with peanut butter or cream cheese inside it. People pace when they're nervous; dogs prefer to chew.

    • all dogs need love and attention anytime . there is no certain time. Just like people , they too have feelings. So don't go by okay you'll give him this much attention and then times up for that day. when ever you feel like loving him up and when ever he feels it. You will know. it will come naturally to you and him. You can never give to much love to them. And if they feel loved up or not interested in playing they will tell you and walk away and lay down. other times you'll be in the middle of something and they will bring you there toys. Yes you can go to the movies and else where . it will depend too on the dog . but if you love him up lots he should be good till you come home. as far as leaving him inside alone. this will depend on how you train him. If he's a well behaved dog then yes you can leave him out where he won't touch a thing. other dogs will tear things apart you need to teach him . I prefer a calm well behaved dog. always keep teaching and praising them they need stimulation and they are eager to learn and be praised. I would also get a book on your new dog or the library read up on the breed as much as you can so you can be the best mommy for him. The rest will come as you go along you will both learn together. and you'll get use to his actions and what means what .