What are some tips on making my dog less fearfull?

In addition to my previous question - "can aggression be trained out of a dog", I would like to know if there are things I can do to make my dog a more confident canine - without making her more dominant.This is the 3 year old jack russell. Apart from…

    What are some tips on making my dog less fearfull?

    In addition to my previous question - "can aggression be trained out of a dog", I would like to know if there are things I can do to make my dog a more confident canine - without making her more dominant.This is the 3 year old jack russell. Apart from…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some tips on making my dog less fearfull?...

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    • What are some tips on making my dog less fearfull?

      What are some tips on making my dog less fearfull? General Dog Discussions
      In addition to my previous question - "can aggression be trained out of a dog", I would like to know if there are things I can do to make my dog a more confident canine - without making her more dominant.This is the 3 year old jack russell. Apart from her aggressive/dominance issues, she has always been a really skittish dog and will jump at the slightest thing. She also has moments where she reacts in aggression due to a fear based problem.Can I do things to make her a calmer dog?

      What are some tips on making my dog less fearfull?

      What are some tips on making my dog less fearfull? General Dog Discussions
    • There are a few things you can do for the dog. You can set up training situations that build confidence and security such as have friends come by your dog when walking and when they approach the dog, they have a nice meaty treat. Just have the treat on the palm of their hand, never force a hand in front of a fearful dog. Take her to as many places as possible, if she is snappy towards people, make sure she wears a muzzle in these situations. Socialization does not mean strangers pet your dog it means it desensitizes the dog towards unusual sights and sounds. If you never tried marker training or clicker training now would be a perfect time to. The fact is fearful dogs need STRONG basic obedience to be controlled. They need security and control in order for them to ignore their ghost. In order to do this, they need to obey you at all time if they don't they get STRONG corrections, they need to learn getting corrections are worse than the ghosts in their head. This has a good link on fear aggression in dogs. http://leerburg.com/qafear.htm