How do I care for a chicken that has been attacked by a dog?

A dog attacked our silkie and he seems to be bleeding from her beak. No vet will see it cause it's a chicken. Any suggestions?

    How do I care for a chicken that has been attacked by a dog?

    A dog attacked our silkie and he seems to be bleeding from her beak. No vet will see it cause it's a chicken. Any suggestions?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I care for a chicken that has been attacked by a dog?...

    • How do I care for a chicken that has been attacked by a dog?

      How do I care for a chicken that has been attacked by a dog? General Dog Discussions
      A dog attacked our silkie and he seems to be bleeding from her beak. No vet will see it cause it's a chicken. Any suggestions?

      How do I care for a chicken that has been attacked by a dog?

      How do I care for a chicken that has been attacked by a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Our pet chicken got attacked by a dog as well a few years ago. We took her to an avian vet. As mentioned earlier, dog and cat vets will just laugh at you.Your town probably has an avian vet somewhere. Go quickly because chickens usually dont show that they are in pain until they are on their last breath.

    • You need to get your bird and clean her up 1st and see what damage has been done and then find a way to stop the bleeding such as maybe super glue the beak back to gether but don't know if will work or harm the bird and for your vet he would not hear from me again Its a living breathing animal and this vet should not be so picky with what type animal he treats You could also call other vets to see if they would at least look at for you.Or give you advice on what to do for this bird The dog may have ripped it loose or cracked it this is why its bleeding.Theres a med called Quick clot this may help have no idea where to get maybe drug storesChickens use there beaks like we use our hands to explore there surroundings, its there way of feeling and touching they also use the beak for picking up things and manipulation objects So its impotent to have looked at and treatment for her well being