Why would my 15 month old Mini schnauzer all of a sudden start constantly licking his bottom?

This has never been a problem in the past and I was under the impression that with this breed his anal glands would empty themselves. Any suggestions as to why the constant licking?

    Why would my 15 month old Mini schnauzer all of a sudden start constantly licking his bottom?

    This has never been a problem in the past and I was under the impression that with this breed his anal glands would empty themselves. Any suggestions as to why the constant licking?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why would my 15 month old Mini schnauzer all of a sudden start constantly licking his bottom?...

    • Why would my 15 month old Mini schnauzer all of a sudden start constantly licking his bottom?

      Why would my 15 month old Mini schnauzer all of a sudden start constantly licking his bottom? General Dog Discussions
      This has never been a problem in the past and I was under the impression that with this breed his anal glands would empty themselves. Any suggestions as to why the constant licking?

      Why would my 15 month old Mini schnauzer all of a sudden start constantly licking his bottom?

      Why would my 15 month old Mini schnauzer all of a sudden start constantly licking his bottom? General Dog Discussions
    • Could be a problem with his anal glands (it's not a breed thing - some dogs have gland problems, some don't), it could be worms, it could be fleas or some other sort of parasite.The best bet IMHO is to take him to the vet for a checkup.

    • sometimes anal glands can get too full and not empty out causing a problem, it can happen to most every dog. if he starts to scoot that too is a sign of anal gland problems. u may want to take him to the vet to get checked out for internal parasites too just to be on the safe side. they will be able to determine if his anal glands are full and need to be emptied.

    • He could have worms, or his anal glands could need expressed. Sometimes dogs (no matter the breed) get an abcess in their anal glands and need it checked out by a professional. Does his anus appear swollen, or bright red, or abnormal in any mannar?

    • Yeah, that definately sounds like an anal gland problem to me, it's just one of those things that happen. Don't worry though it's nothing too serious in respects to being potentially fatal to your dogs. The glands are supposed to empty by themselves but sometimes they don't so you should just take your dog to the vet and they'll do it for you. My Aunt does her own dogs anal glands, but i would highly NOT recommend doing it by yourself unless you absolutely know how, just so you don't end up hurting the dog. ... not to mention the smell which smells like fish, if you know what I'm talking about then it's definately an anal gland problem.

    • They need their anal gland expressed about every 6-8 weeks and it is usually done by the groomer when the dog gets groomed. I don't know where you got your information from but I am a groomer and i have 2 mini Schnauzers and have to release their glands often. it isa nasty job but someone has to do it. The vet can also do it for you. If the dog seems to have lots of problems thy can be removed. But you should take him to the vet cause your dog could have worms or check for fleas they love to run around the rear area andd the head and neck.