How often should I get my dogs anal sac expressed? how much is too much?

My dog is constantly scooting his butt across the carpet, and licking his butt 24 hours a day. He gets groomed every 6 weeks and they express his anal glands every time,which is more than most dogs ever get. I'm worried that he might have worms. How can…

    How often should I get my dogs anal sac expressed? how much is too much?

    My dog is constantly scooting his butt across the carpet, and licking his butt 24 hours a day. He gets groomed every 6 weeks and they express his anal glands every time,which is more than most dogs ever get. I'm worried that he might have worms. How can…...
    General Dog Discussions : How often should I get my dogs anal sac expressed? how much is too much?...

    • How often should I get my dogs anal sac expressed? how much is too much?

      How often should I get my dogs anal sac expressed? how much is too much? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is constantly scooting his butt across the carpet, and licking his butt 24 hours a day. He gets groomed every 6 weeks and they express his anal glands every time,which is more than most dogs ever get. I'm worried that he might have worms. How can I be sure? or should I just take him to the vet?

      How often should I get my dogs anal sac expressed? how much is too much?

      How often should I get my dogs anal sac expressed? how much is too much? General Dog Discussions
    • well my dogs anal sac got 2 full and started to come out of his skin and a sign that his anal sac is full is if he/she rubs there butt on the floor i think it cost like 50 to get it checked but I'm not sure

    • My pup usually starts licking his backside constantly when he's uncomfortable and needs them expressed. He's never been one to scoot his booty, but I can always tell when I get up in the morning and his rear is soaked. You might want to take him to the vet just to be safe though, it might ease your mind a little.Good luck.Cavalier: You sound like a really good groomer, very conscientious. Wish you were close by to me and my little guy. I'd take him to you for sure.

    • Are you sure his anal glands are being expressed every time he goes to the groomers? I know plenty of bathers that are lazy and won't bother to express them because they think its too gross or they have too many dogs scheduled and don't have time, or they try and the dog tries to bite them. I express my dogs glands once a month and they never scoot their butt accross the floor