Are the random brown spots of hair on my black haired dog bad?

Today I noticed my dog (border collie-black lab mix) had some light brown spots of hair near his tail. I also noticed that when lightly grazed, tons of hair falls out, as opposed to the rest of his body when only one hair, if any, falls out. Is this bad?

    Are the random brown spots of hair on my black haired dog bad?

    Today I noticed my dog (border collie-black lab mix) had some light brown spots of hair near his tail. I also noticed that when lightly grazed, tons of hair falls out, as opposed to the rest of his body when only one hair, if any, falls out. Is this bad?...
    General Dog Discussions : Are the random brown spots of hair on my black haired dog bad?...

    • Are the random brown spots of hair on my black haired dog bad?

      Are the random brown spots of hair on my black haired dog bad? General Dog Discussions
      Today I noticed my dog (border collie-black lab mix) had some light brown spots of hair near his tail. I also noticed that when lightly grazed, tons of hair falls out, as opposed to the rest of his body when only one hair, if any, falls out. Is this bad?

      Are the random brown spots of hair on my black haired dog bad?

      Are the random brown spots of hair on my black haired dog bad? General Dog Discussions
    • No, it's absolutely normal. Some dogs develop new things as they age. Just think of it like a baby Dalmation, they're born without any spots and then the patches appear at a certain age, (This happens to many dogs). But the hair thing you may want to worry about, there's a pretty low chance it could be bad but you should ask your vet about it. It may just be he's just shedding. Best wishes :D