How much is a GI workup for a dog?

My dog got into the trash. He vomited some of it up, however, is still symptomatic. He spent all day at the vet and I will likely have to take him back tomorrow morning for a gi workup and possible surgery to remove whatever he is unable to pass from his…

    How much is a GI workup for a dog?

    My dog got into the trash. He vomited some of it up, however, is still symptomatic. He spent all day at the vet and I will likely have to take him back tomorrow morning for a gi workup and possible surgery to remove whatever he is unable to pass from his…...
    General Dog Discussions : How much is a GI workup for a dog?...

    • How much is a GI workup for a dog?

      How much is a GI workup for a dog? General Dog Discussions
      My dog got into the trash. He vomited some of it up, however, is still symptomatic. He spent all day at the vet and I will likely have to take him back tomorrow morning for a gi workup and possible surgery to remove whatever he is unable to pass from his stomach. What is the average cost of a gi workup in med-large dog?

      How much is a GI workup for a dog?

      How much is a GI workup for a dog? General Dog Discussions