My Yorkiepoo has bumps around his "areas" and chest and it hurts him and gives off flaky skin?

I've looked for similar symptoms and found some things that seem mildly similar, but it doesn't have a bad odor. It hurts him because he is whimper whenever he touches it. He has a high quality diet so I don't think it's that. He hasn't had a history of…

    My Yorkiepoo has bumps around his "areas" and chest and it hurts him and gives off flaky skin?

    I've looked for similar symptoms and found some things that seem mildly similar, but it doesn't have a bad odor. It hurts him because he is whimper whenever he touches it. He has a high quality diet so I don't think it's that. He hasn't had a history of…...
    General Dog Discussions : My Yorkiepoo has bumps around his "areas" and chest and it hurts him and gives off flaky skin?...

    • My Yorkiepoo has bumps around his "areas" and chest and it hurts him and gives off flaky skin?

      My Yorkiepoo has bumps around his "areas" and chest and it hurts him and gives off flaky skin? General Dog Discussions
      I've looked for similar symptoms and found some things that seem mildly similar, but it doesn't have a bad odor. It hurts him because he is whimper whenever he touches it. He has a high quality diet so I don't think it's that. He hasn't had a history of any skin problems. The first time I noticed it, it was a small patch on his neck, but it went away after a while. Now it's spreading, and I don't know what I should do. Sorry this is lengthy but I wanted to describe as well as I could to get the most accurate answer. Thanks in advance!!!

      My Yorkiepoo has bumps around his "areas" and chest and it hurts him and gives off flaky skin?

      My Yorkiepoo has bumps around his "areas" and chest and it hurts him and gives off flaky skin? General Dog Discussions
    • It sounds to me, like it's time for a visit with your vet. We are not vets, we cannot diagnose your dog over the Internet and we can't see what it looks like. It could be many different things. Whatever it is, it is causing your poor dog a lot of pain. Emergency Vets are open 24 hours. You can find one in your Yellow Pages under Veterinarians. Take your poor dog to the vet. She's suffering in pain and you need to find out why and get it treated before she gets any worse than she already is. Only a vet can help your dog. Now Go!