Would desexing a one year old cattle dog make him less protective and not as good a guard?

My friend has a male cattle dog who is a year old and she was going to keep him entire because of his breeding ability and protective qualities. But unfortunately he has begun to fight very aggressively with her other male dogs all desexed. so she has…

    Would desexing a one year old cattle dog make him less protective and not as good a guard?

    My friend has a male cattle dog who is a year old and she was going to keep him entire because of his breeding ability and protective qualities. But unfortunately he has begun to fight very aggressively with her other male dogs all desexed. so she has…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would desexing a one year old cattle dog make him less protective and not as good a guard?...

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    • Would desexing a one year old cattle dog make him less protective and not as good a guard?

      Would desexing a one year old cattle dog make him less protective and not as good a guard? General Dog Discussions
      My friend has a male cattle dog who is a year old and she was going to keep him entire because of his breeding ability and protective qualities. But unfortunately he has begun to fight very aggressively with her other male dogs all desexed. so she has decided to get him cut, but she's worried it will make him less protective and not a good guard dog anymore. will this happen?

      Would desexing a one year old cattle dog make him less protective and not as good a guard?

      Would desexing a one year old cattle dog make him less protective and not as good a guard? General Dog Discussions
    • I think at this age, a lot of his behaviour may be learned.If he continues to guard and be protective, it will be due to pack mentality with the other dogs or a learned behaviour.He may also continue to fight with the other dogs... neutering at this age doesn't always rectify aggressions issues.

    • I have to disagree, neutering will likely lessen his aggression with other dogs, as for his protectiveness as a guard dog, that is a quality that's instilled in him.

    • I would expect neutering to make him a better guard dog. At 1 year old, his hormones are very active and he is more likely to be aggressive with other males that he may see as competitors. He is also more apt to be sidetracked be any females dogs that should come around. Once neutered he will not have the male urges and I would expect he should be more attentive to protecting his herd.

    • ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! they will either be a good guard dog or not, desexing will make no difference. Just like all sniffer and police dogs are desexed, and they are all working animals. In the same regard it wont make them good at their prospective job, the personality they are born with is what will motivate them to complete their jobs well. Cattle dogs as a breed are extremely territorial, sometimes to the point of being dangerous, so more likely to guard your property but always be careful, you dont want to be on the receiving end of a lawsuit!

    • Personally, I think spayed/neutered dogs tend to be BETTER guard dogs because they aren't thinking about getting some and fighting.... Just me. I know many that believe it decreases drive but I haven't really seen that theory tested so I'm going to sya negative on that as well. Especially since MOST agility dogs are neutered to keep them focused...

    • Neutering will not affect the dogs ability to herd and guard. These traits are in the breed's genes, not its testosterone.Neutering will likely make the dog easier to command and train, however.