Does anyone have a recipe for dog friendly icing that will set?

I've made dog treats and would like icing for them. I hope to give them out as presents so they would have to be wrapped. There's my problem. I need a recipe for icing that will set and not be disturbed during the wrapping!

    Does anyone have a recipe for dog friendly icing that will set?

    I've made dog treats and would like icing for them. I hope to give them out as presents so they would have to be wrapped. There's my problem. I need a recipe for icing that will set and not be disturbed during the wrapping!...
    General Dog Discussions : Does anyone have a recipe for dog friendly icing that will set?...

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    • Does anyone have a recipe for dog friendly icing that will set?

      Does anyone have a recipe for dog friendly icing that will set? General Dog Discussions
      I've made dog treats and would like icing for them. I hope to give them out as presents so they would have to be wrapped. There's my problem. I need a recipe for icing that will set and not be disturbed during the wrapping!

      Does anyone have a recipe for dog friendly icing that will set?

      Does anyone have a recipe for dog friendly icing that will set? General Dog Discussions
    • To make a natural carob frosting, mix six tablespoons of dry milk with four tablespoons of carob powder. Blend in four tablespoons of molasses. Blend in two teaspoons of butter, oil or fat. Add enough milk, gravy or broth to make the mixture creamy. Frost the dog cake when it is cool.I used to decorate cakes as well. Enjoy!!!!

    • Dogs shouldn't get that much sugar, but you should be able to make a 'good setting frosting' by mixing corn starch and butter or margarine ... use the corn starch as you would use powdered sugar, and add a TINY bit of hot water to make it 'soft enough to spread' but harden nicely. I had dogs and made dog treats before ... but they liked their treats PLAIN ... I used a good 'beef broth' instead of water, and used corn meal with the flour ... the dogs REALLY LOVED their 'just for you dogs cookies' (although they still got caught stealing the real chocolate fudge).

    • Well i made a cake for my dog who just turned two yesterday. I made a huge cake for him and all of his friends at a park for his birthday party. I had 6 cans of dog food and stacked them up like pyramids. Then i spend hours putting all the dry food on top so all the dry kibble covered ALL of the cake. Then for the icing i got the 1 doggy can and emptied it out into the blender. I blended it up then put it in a bowl. I started to mix it around so it's turns into a paste. I smushed it on top of the cake then got tiny cubes and chicken and sprinkled it everywhere!!! I'm not sure if the can food icing will set but try keeping it in the fridge until it does or leave it on the kitchen table with one of those dome thingys that keep the flies out. That should make the icing set. I didn't want my can paste icing to set i wanted it mushy so the chicken cubes would stick to it. It would probably go dry then. Make sure you smur the icing on the biscuits then put it out to set. don't use icing sugar as you don't know who knows what could happen when they have icing sugar!!! And uh Jen are you sure your recipe for dogs? Surely you know dogs can't have cows milk!

    • Heres a recipe for white frosting1 lb low fat cream cheese4 tablespoons olive oil2 tablespoons honeyChocolate frosting5 oz Carob chips or carob bar broken into small pieces1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract2 oz blanched almonds, chopped

    • Here is an easy icing for dog treats. Around 20 small bones (treats)1 bananaLuke warm/hot waterCut bones into 3 quarters. Put all pieces into bowl of luke warm/ hot water. Let soak. Check every 5 minutes. Drain water when soft. Use masher to mash bone pieces into a soft mush. Place mush into food processor (if have one, if you don't, you must use masher). Add 1/4 banana, 1/4 cup water. *If too watery, add more bone mush* Food process the mush for less then one minute. Take out of food processor. Put into a bowl. Put the "icing" on the special dogs cake! Enjoy!