My 7 mo. old puppy got hit by a car and it broke her pelvic on both sides and her right hind leg?

this happened 4/13 its been 24 hours since it happened she is with the vet.I'm not sure if I should have surgery on her leg or see if it will heal on her own, i'm leaning toward surgery but i'm unsure if its going to help her since her pelvis is broke on…

    My 7 mo. old puppy got hit by a car and it broke her pelvic on both sides and her right hind leg?

    this happened 4/13 its been 24 hours since it happened she is with the vet.I'm not sure if I should have surgery on her leg or see if it will heal on her own, i'm leaning toward surgery but i'm unsure if its going to help her since her pelvis is broke on…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 7 mo. old puppy got hit by a car and it broke her pelvic on both sides and her right hind leg?...

    • My 7 mo. old puppy got hit by a car and it broke her pelvic on both sides and her right hind leg?

      My 7 mo. old puppy got hit by a car and it broke her pelvic on both sides and her right hind leg? General Dog Discussions
      this happened 4/13 its been 24 hours since it happened she is with the vet.I'm not sure if I should have surgery on her leg or see if it will heal on her own, i'm leaning toward surgery but i'm unsure if its going to help her since her pelvis is broke on both sides too.the vet said her pelvis will heal on its i'm thinking her leg will too.she has a full bladder but has not urinated yet,any idea how long that will take?The vet is not giving her IV fluid either and shes not drinking yet,she will dehydrate eventually how long will it take?I'm really worried:(the vet says she might be a 3 legged dog so that kinda told me surgery would not help if he fixed her leg. i'm going to ask him tomorrow what he meant.The person who hit her with the car did not bother to stop and see if we knew it happened.drove on like nothing.Breaks my heart to know that there is those kinda people living in my area.small town,most likely they live around here.puppy broke off her leash she had only been left outside tied up for 10 min.and when she was hit she was on the side of the he never tried to miss her.i'll give him the benifit of the doubt that he did not see her in time.but he could have stopped.

      My 7 mo. old puppy got hit by a car and it broke her pelvic on both sides and her right hind leg?

      My 7 mo. old puppy got hit by a car and it broke her pelvic on both sides and her right hind leg? General Dog Discussions
    • thats sad to hear. so what did the vet says?I would recommend to have surgery on her as i would prefer not taking the risk of her leg not healing properly.maybe she could not urinate as she is in pain.

    • Do I understand right, that she is with the vet now? If she is staying in the hospital, the vet will keep an eye on her intake and output (how much she drinks and how much/how often she urinates.) He can catheterize her if need be, and give IV fluids if needed. If her leg is displaced, she should have surgery to prevent it from healing improperly, which can cause long term pain and even arthritis. She should stay with the vet until she is stable and able to stand, eat, drink, urinate and evacuate her bowels properly. If you have a vet you trust, then trust what he says. If you don't trust him, get another vet.

    • Do as your vet recommends. I'm assuming he may have to amputate one of the legs. If this is the case, then surgery is your only option. The impact from a car is quite severe, and I'm sure the legs are broken in more than one spot on the bone. Leaving them to heal on their own will give your dog nothing but a lifetime of pain. If the bone is not aligned, and with an impact like that, I'm sure it is not, there is no way the bone will heal properly, especially at a young age when she is still growing. I'm so sorry this happened to you, but please, take the vet's advice. It's the best situation for your friend.