COSTA RICA-Dog in labor, no vet question just asked... please read!!?

I am guessing that a puppy is stuck. Without assistance, the pups and the mother will die. You truly need to get to a vet, unless you can reach up into mom and help her. But that is difficult and needs to be done correctly. Wash your hands very well and…

    COSTA RICA-Dog in labor, no vet question just asked... please read!!?

    I am guessing that a puppy is stuck. Without assistance, the pups and the mother will die. You truly need to get to a vet, unless you can reach up into mom and help her. But that is difficult and needs to be done correctly. Wash your hands very well and…...
    General Dog Discussions : COSTA RICA-Dog in labor, no vet question just asked... please read!!?...

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    • COSTA RICA-Dog in labor, no vet question just asked... please read!!?

      COSTA RICA-Dog in labor, no vet question just asked... please read!!? General Dog Discussions
      I am guessing that a puppy is stuck. Without assistance, the pups and the mother will die. You truly need to get to a vet, unless you can reach up into mom and help her. But that is difficult and needs to be done correctly. Wash your hands very well and insert 1 or 2 fingers into her vagina. Can you feel anything? You will not puncture anything... if there is any part of the pup you can get a hold of, gently pull down and out. NOT UP! Down, as in if the dog were standing, the floor, not up to the tail. Pups are often slippery but it is imperative that you get the pup out. Do you have any calcium on hand? As in oral pills for people? Calcium will assist the uterus in expelling the pup. If you can get 1000 mg into her, it may help. It will not hurt. Her uterus may be tired out and not working (uterine inertia) Get them down her throat either by putting them into something, or if she will not eat, sticking them in with your fingers. Make sure she swallows them. She is in pain and probably very scared. I really hope that her ordeal does not last much longer.This is not my question. I reposted this for the person who had the dog in Costa Rica and no vet was available, hoping someone could assist them. I had just answered it and the question was deleted.

      COSTA RICA-Dog in labor, no vet question just asked... please read!!?

      COSTA RICA-Dog in labor, no vet question just asked... please read!!? General Dog Discussions
    • give her lots of water and maybe bring her inside or something.if she lets you, try kneading her bely where the nipples are and see if you can feel anything. the puppy(s) will feel likefat hotdogs.the dog might have an obstruction. this means that the pup is too big in the birth canal or is backwards. This is what veterinarians do: put on a sterile glove (preferably) but if not possible, wash your hands and scrub super hard and stick a finger in where the puppies come out and feel for a tail. if there is a crooked head, slip a finger into the bouth and gently guide the head to the correct allignment.if the puppy is backwards (butt first), firt one leg, then the other is hooked with the finger, slipping the legs over the pelvic brim and into the vgania.AGAIN, that is what vets do. i do NOT reccomend doing this unless life depends on it, since you are not a trained vet.i got my information off the "sources" link.please read, and my condolences for your dog.p.s.: (to whoever reads this) please don't think that i am a highly qualified veterinarian. i am just saying what vets do.