Putting a Dog to sleep?

How/ would you tell your 9 year old child that its time to put her dog to sleep? He's 16 years old and he's getting put to sleep today. We are getting her a new one, but how do we tell her? Would you tell her the truth?

    Putting a Dog to sleep?

    How/ would you tell your 9 year old child that its time to put her dog to sleep? He's 16 years old and he's getting put to sleep today. We are getting her a new one, but how do we tell her? Would you tell her the truth?...
    General Dog Discussions : Putting a Dog to sleep?...

    • Putting a Dog to sleep?

      Putting a Dog to sleep? General Dog Discussions
      How/ would you tell your 9 year old child that its time to put her dog to sleep? He's 16 years old and he's getting put to sleep today. We are getting her a new one, but how do we tell her? Would you tell her the truth?

      Putting a Dog to sleep?

      Putting a Dog to sleep? General Dog Discussions
    • At nine I have to say I would probably tell her the truth, children often have a far better grasp on this than we give them credit for. I would wait a while until you are all ready for new dog so it does not seem as though your are replacing the old dog.

    • Its going to be a toughy but DO NOT BUY ANOTHER DOG STRAIGHT AWAY. Getting another dog should require the same thought process that lead you to get the first one. Give yourself time to become comfortable with the passing of your friend first.

    • It's always hard to break that sort of news to anyone, but I'd just tell her the truth. It's better for her to know what really happened to him than for her to think he ran away or something. Just tell her it's his time to go and he won't be in pain any longer. He can run and play and feel like a puppy again! I'm so sorry this is happening and you have my condolences.

    • I would get her a book. That is what my mother did, now we have a puppy named Sarah. I agree, get another dog... it is hard. After our first dog my mum waited 6 years... it was terrible. Getting another pet will help you get over the death of this dog.

    • OMG POOR PUPPY!DONT DO THAT, IT'S NOT HIS TIME YET!NO!NO!HOW COULD YOU JUST ABANDON HIM? OMFG I WAS CRYING WHEN MY COUSIN'S DOG WAS PUT TO SLEEP! I COULDN'T BEAR PUTTING MY OWN! DONT YOU FEEL BAD??Sorry about Caps Lock, it was for emphasis.This was not written to offend you so sorry if it doesxxox):

    • say we have to put (say dogs name) to sleep.(she/he will probably say no you can't)you say do you want (say dogs name)to suffer?(then she/he will probably say no i don't)so you say i promise that we will get a new dog sweety!!so then she/he will probably give up and say ok (also let the child pick the new dog)

    • Yes I think 9 years old is old enough to know what is going on. Try to spare her the details of the sickness and how exactly they do it unless she asks. Just tell her that the dog is very old and all things must die someday but to remember the good times with your dog. Let her say goodbye before you take the dog to the vet but I wouldnt let her come along. Sorry this is happening I know the death of a pet can be very devastating to you and your family :(Edit: Also if it were me I wouldn't use the term "Put to sleep" to eliminate any confusion. At 9, she needs to know what death is and that he is not just going to "sleep", which gives some hope of him coming back. A softer way to put would be maybe "Going to heaven"

    • every child is different. when my son was 4 the family horse died. i told him the truth. for a few days he was very quiet, then one night he was reading about NOAHS ARK in his childrens bible. he looked at me and asked if GOD took Prince because he needed a good horse? of course i agreed. and i don't reccomend getting a new dog right away. it isn't fair to the new dog because everyone's going to be comparing to the lost dog. and everyone will be disappointed. check out rainbow bridge.com. it may be helpful.

    • Death is a hard concept to explain to a child. I would try to be truthful, that the dog is old, that it is hurting, and can no longer enjoy life. Be very careful to let her know that her pet loves her, and it's okay to feel sad. I wouldn't introduce a new pet too soon. Give her some time to grieve for her friend first.

    • My daughter was around the same age when we had to put the family dog to sleep. I gave her the choice of being present (which I DO NOT suggest) and she chose to do so. It was extremely difficult for her and us. Telling the truth, though, I think is very important. You child is old enough to understand and they would appreciate it more. Just tell them how much pain your dog is in and they would be happier not feeling that way and its okay to cry and be angry. My daughter, who's 16 now, still keeps his collar hanging in her room to remember him by. Once you have done it, ask your child what kind of memorial they would like to do (pictures are great) and work on that with them remembering all the good things about your dog.I would also wait a little while before getting another dog but not too long.

    • the only way to tell her is to be absolutley honest, or even better is to let her be a part of it and allow a good vetanary explain what the process involves. she has been a part of the dogs life and deserves to be involved and clued up about what comes next. it is something that we all have to learn and can often be the easiest way for children to learn and accept such things.

    • be straight forth and honest.."doggie is in so much pain it is time we say good bye to him and have the vet euthanized him."if she asks more - tell her.. be honest.. dont use nice terms like "put him to sleep" - although she is 9 I knew of a couple of younger kids who freaked out becuase they thought if they went to sleep they would die... ( I knew of this because I have worked with animal shelters for years)...YES you MUST tell her the truth.. I also knew of a kid who mom knew the cat was killed by a car.. and mom told the kid the cat went missing - she even perpetuated the fraud by bringing the kid to the shelter to look for the "lost" cat! this was WRONG.. what could have been a good lesson "dont let the cat out" and a lesson on death.. was perverted into a lie...my daughters dad died when she was only 5.. her first experience with death was pet death.. - you must know death happens to us all.. kids must be allowed to experience it, and not be lied to...YES be honest.. DO NOT get a new one right away.. allow for time to mourn... do not get one that looked just like your old one.. this is unfair to the new dog.. mainly dont get a new one too soon.ALL pets should be FAMILY PETS.. NOT "her" dog!!! its YOUR dog!!!

    • You should be as honest as possible with her. Tell her that the dog is very sick, and in a lot of pain, and that it happens to dogs when they get old, just like people. Reassure her that the dog is going to a better place, where he will be happy and free.When I was 10, my parents had to put our Chow Chow to sleep because he had cancer, and was in an incredible amount of pain. I was sssooo sad. They actually cremated him, and we buried his ashes (together) under his favourite tree in the back yard, and said a prayer together. Then every year on his birthday, or whenever I missed him, I knew exactly where he was and I could go out and bring him some cheese! My mom would then go out the next day and pick up the gross cheese, but it made me feel better at the time lol.