Help my dog has food poison will he be ok?

I took my dog to the vet this morning, and he said that he has food poison. Will he be ok cause i'm freaking out about it, am i just over reacting?

    Help my dog has food poison will he be ok?

    I took my dog to the vet this morning, and he said that he has food poison. Will he be ok cause i'm freaking out about it, am i just over reacting?...
    General Dog Discussions : Help my dog has food poison will he be ok?...

    • Help my dog has food poison will he be ok?

      Help my dog has food poison will he be ok? General Dog Discussions
      I took my dog to the vet this morning, and he said that he has food poison. Will he be ok cause i'm freaking out about it, am i just over reacting?

      Help my dog has food poison will he be ok?

      Help my dog has food poison will he be ok? General Dog Discussions
    • as long the food wasnt avocado, achol, onions and garlic, cofee tea and other caffine, grapes and raisons, milk and other dairy products, Macadamia Nuts, candy and gum, chocolate, fat trimmings and bones, persimmons peaches and plums, raw eggs, raw meat and fish, salt, sugary food and drinks, yeast dough, your medicine and other that that stuff ur good!!!!