How do I bring a puppy to a 14 year old dog?

I have a 14 year old female dog and I fell in love with a puppy. We just had to put our other dog to sleep about 3 months ago. Our dog now Cleo is a German Shepard, chow,Norwegin Elkhound mix and the puppy is a chiwauah please help cuz i love both of…

    How do I bring a puppy to a 14 year old dog?

    I have a 14 year old female dog and I fell in love with a puppy. We just had to put our other dog to sleep about 3 months ago. Our dog now Cleo is a German Shepard, chow,Norwegin Elkhound mix and the puppy is a chiwauah please help cuz i love both of…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I bring a puppy to a 14 year old dog?...

    • How do I bring a puppy to a 14 year old dog?

      How do I bring a puppy to a 14 year old dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 14 year old female dog and I fell in love with a puppy. We just had to put our other dog to sleep about 3 months ago. Our dog now Cleo is a German Shepard, chow,Norwegin Elkhound mix and the puppy is a chiwauah please help cuz i love both of them.

      How do I bring a puppy to a 14 year old dog?

      How do I bring a puppy to a 14 year old dog? General Dog Discussions
    • take the puppy and the older dog somewhere that they cannot feel that they have to protect their"area" otherwise they will feel like they have to be all aggressive. then they can get to know,get used to, each other there. but on the way there try to keep at least one in a doggie crate.

    • Well asking Dr. Harry would be best. I guess leashing both the dogs and bringing them to common ground. Giving them equal attention patting them and letting them interact on leashes first. That's all I can think of.

    • Crate the chihuahua the first time you introduce them.Once the Shepard is comfortable take the little one take him out and tell the shepard "easy" or "look at the baby" or whatever it responds to in a soft loving voice.You will really have to gauge Cleo's react though.Chows can be very jealous and possessive. I would do this prior to full out adopting this new dog. It would not be fair to cleo if she flat out doesn't like the new dog. With my dog (rotty/shepard) I would play with toys and say these types of things so he knew what it meant. If I said "wheres your baby" he'd go get it but he never ripped that one up.

    • If you have a friendly 14 year old dog you really shouldn't have any problems here is some ways you could "introduce" them to eachother..... Have another friend or family member bring the puppy to a place such as a dog park, and you bring the 14 year old dog. Have them both on leashes and let them sniff eachother. If one is showing any sign of aggreshion take it away. Have the two separated like in different homes or different rooms. Then do the same thing for a couple of days. If one or both are still showing signs of aggreshion they will probably not end up getting along. Hope this helps and good luck with your dogs! -Erin5464