I have a shih tzu dog and I need some help?

First off I know she has dry skin. When I took her to the groomers and the vet they told me she had dry skin. I also know that what I cook for her can not be helping her dry skin either. I cook things like hamburger and rice, chicken and rice etc. She…

    I have a shih tzu dog and I need some help?

    First off I know she has dry skin. When I took her to the groomers and the vet they told me she had dry skin. I also know that what I cook for her can not be helping her dry skin either. I cook things like hamburger and rice, chicken and rice etc. She…...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a shih tzu dog and I need some help?...

    • I have a shih tzu dog and I need some help?

      I have a shih tzu dog and I need some help? General Dog Discussions
      First off I know she has dry skin. When I took her to the groomers and the vet they told me she had dry skin. I also know that what I cook for her can not be helping her dry skin either. I cook things like hamburger and rice, chicken and rice etc. She will not eat kibbles or canned dog food. I know a dog will not starve, but I have tried to get her to eat kibbles. I have left kibbles out for her for 3 weeks and she just refuses to eat them. The only way I can get her to eat kibbles is to soak them and put them in the cooked food, like last night I soaked some kibbles and mixed them with some neck bones ( just the meat, no bones) and some vegtable and gravy that I had when I made chicken and gravy for me and my husband. I need to know better foods to cook for her. I keep her clean and I try not to let her stay outside too long, but she just scratches, rubs her eys on the carpet, and scrathes her nose. I can just have given her a bath and she still scratches. My husband say rub her down in some baby oil...lol Im new to the dog ownership and need all the advice i can get.. I love my little Lulu and want the best for her..

      I have a shih tzu dog and I need some help?

      I have a shih tzu dog and I need some help? General Dog Discussions
    • Fish oil tablets. salmon is best, you can get them at the health food store. The dog is probably lacking in natural oils. There is also a product called LanitonePlus, it is especially for dogs with dry skin. You squirt it on the food, most dogs love it. May be easier to give than the pills..you treat dry skin in dogs from the inside. Putting oils on the coat will get you a greasy mess.