5 am and my dog starts puking everywhere?

i was awake this morning at 5 am due to my 6 month old puppy puking all over the bed and floor. it was a light brown colour (assuming it was dog food) and had chunks that looked like chicken in it (not dog food). whats going on??? and also, is it okay to…

    5 am and my dog starts puking everywhere?

    i was awake this morning at 5 am due to my 6 month old puppy puking all over the bed and floor. it was a light brown colour (assuming it was dog food) and had chunks that looked like chicken in it (not dog food). whats going on??? and also, is it okay to…...
    General Dog Discussions : 5 am and my dog starts puking everywhere?...

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    • 5 am and my dog starts puking everywhere?

      5 am and my dog starts puking everywhere? General Dog Discussions
      i was awake this morning at 5 am due to my 6 month old puppy puking all over the bed and floor. it was a light brown colour (assuming it was dog food) and had chunks that looked like chicken in it (not dog food). whats going on??? and also, is it okay to give her half a ginger gravol?oh and i should add shes all spry and happy now. thats whats most confusing about this whole issue.

      5 am and my dog starts puking everywhere?

      5 am and my dog starts puking everywhere? General Dog Discussions
    • It sounds like she needs to go to the vet. How many times did she vomit? Is she still vomiting? I would refrain from giving any food for a few hours, only water. If she continues to vomit the water, I would take her to the vet today.

    • he probably ate something he wasn't suppose to. keep an eye out to make sure he doesn't get any sicker. if he stops eating and drinking i recommend you take him to the vet. in the mean time, try giving him some pedialite. it helps with dehydration! i give it to my dogs when they are sick. (i hope i spelled that right!)