Why would my dog suddenly start drinking a lot more water and wetting the floor?

I have a 7 year old female cocker spaniel. For the last few weeks she has been drinking a lot more water than is normal for her (I'd say about three times as much) and she has started wetting the floor almost every night, which is not something she…

    Why would my dog suddenly start drinking a lot more water and wetting the floor?

    I have a 7 year old female cocker spaniel. For the last few weeks she has been drinking a lot more water than is normal for her (I'd say about three times as much) and she has started wetting the floor almost every night, which is not something she…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why would my dog suddenly start drinking a lot more water and wetting the floor?...

    • Why would my dog suddenly start drinking a lot more water and wetting the floor?

      Why would my dog suddenly start drinking a lot more water and wetting the floor? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 7 year old female cocker spaniel. For the last few weeks she has been drinking a lot more water than is normal for her (I'd say about three times as much) and she has started wetting the floor almost every night, which is not something she typically does. What could be the cause of this? Ask if you need more details.

      Why would my dog suddenly start drinking a lot more water and wetting the floor?

      Why would my dog suddenly start drinking a lot more water and wetting the floor? General Dog Discussions
    • It sounds like she needs to go to the vet and get some bloodwork run...there's a few things that senior dogs need to be checked for yearly (at 7 years old, most dogs are considered senior). It sounds like she may be diabetic. Good luck!

    • It could be a lot of things. Urine infection, diabetes.... The most common symptoms of diabetes is increased thirst and more passing of urine. Is she also off her food and more tired than usual?I would get her to the vet as soon as possible. If it is diabetes and is left untreated it will kill.Hopefully she just has a urine infection which is easily treated.Best of luck, hope she is ok.

    • This needs a trip to the vet. You will want blood work and a urine test. Excessive drinking can be a symptom of many health issues--some serious. The first that come to mind are kidney failure, urinary tract infections, Cushing's disease and diabetes. Here is a link that will give you more information.http://www.pets.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=52691If you see a loss of appetite and vomiting get to the vet right away. My dog did this when she went into kidney failure and we lost her.Added: things that will help your vet: know how much she is drinking daily (ounces or cups). Collect a sample of her urine in the morning and note the color (normal yellow, clear and watery, cloudy, brown, rusty or bloody).