Is disobedience a known side affect for a horse on prednisone?

Looking for evidence whether disobedience (aggression) is a known side affect for a horse on prednisone. I am aware it affects humans and dogs. My vet said it is possible but never had that as a complaint. URLs appreciated.Prednisone =…

    Is disobedience a known side affect for a horse on prednisone?

    Looking for evidence whether disobedience (aggression) is a known side affect for a horse on prednisone. I am aware it affects humans and dogs. My vet said it is possible but never had that as a complaint. URLs appreciated.Prednisone =…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is disobedience a known side affect for a horse on prednisone?...

    • Is disobedience a known side affect for a horse on prednisone?

      Is disobedience a known side affect for a horse on prednisone? General Dog Discussions
      Looking for evidence whether disobedience (aggression) is a known side affect for a horse on prednisone. I am aware it affects humans and dogs. My vet said it is possible but never had that as a complaint. URLs appreciated.Prednisone = anti-inflammatory steroid.We won't stop treatment; we are weaning, tomorrow is last consecutive day, then we go to 5 pills every other day.

      Is disobedience a known side affect for a horse on prednisone?

      Is disobedience a known side affect for a horse on prednisone? General Dog Discussions
    • Is prednisone a NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug)?Oh okay never mind. I was thinking maybe the drug gave him ulcers. NAISD's can do this because they inhibit prostaglanins which produce the mucus layer lining the bottom half of the stomach and a side effect of ulcers in aggression since the horse is in general pain.

    • prednisone is a steroid. It is often given for inflammation, either pain related or itch (skin). It can cause increased thirst, appetite, urination. I have never heard of aggression as a side affect, but anything is possible. I would continue his treatment, since it is dangerous to abruptly stop steroids (often you have to give a tapering dose), and watch him/her closely. If the aggression stops after the treatment is done then it very well could be.

    • Yes it can cause aggression in some horses - i have had horses that have turned feral on it and others that are no different on it.Once you have weaned them off the prednisone it normally takes about 1 week for them to calm down again.My mini gelding was on it for itch a few months back - he turned into a absolute nutter he was worse than a stallion at shows etc. Once he came off within a week he came back to being a sook and it was like he was apologizing for his behavior and lack of manners while he was on it!Just remember he cant help the affects it has on him so give him a bit of extra attention & don't get cross with him while he is in treatment - i know this can be hard to do as they are not themselves.Horses being treated with prednisone can have other affects to which include appetite - not eating or non stop eating, urinating a lot, drinking a lot, scour, agitated , tying up problems, standing still (they cant do it) etc..Always try to be as calm around them as possible while they are being treated and whatever you do, Do not stop their treatment abruptly.

    • Well if your horse has been on it for over a month or has been taking it late in the day there shouldn't be any noticeable problems in your horse.Why has your horse been on this? Skin condition or similar illness I'm guessing? The most common side effects are weight gain and loss and mood swings (including irritability or aggression) and stomach irritation if not taken with food and enough water.