after a dog picks up parvo how long does it take for them to start showing signs of having it?

my puppy got taken to the vet yesterday as she has parvo. we have 2 other dogs and so far they seem fine but they have been in contact with her before we knew she had parvo. If they did pick up the infection from her how long would it take for them to…

    after a dog picks up parvo how long does it take for them to start showing signs of having it?

    my puppy got taken to the vet yesterday as she has parvo. we have 2 other dogs and so far they seem fine but they have been in contact with her before we knew she had parvo. If they did pick up the infection from her how long would it take for them to…...
    General Dog Discussions : after a dog picks up parvo how long does it take for them to start showing signs of having it?...

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    • after a dog picks up parvo how long does it take for them to start showing signs of having it?

      after a dog picks up parvo how long does it take for them to start showing signs of having it? General Dog Discussions
      my puppy got taken to the vet yesterday as she has parvo. we have 2 other dogs and so far they seem fine but they have been in contact with her before we knew she had parvo. If they did pick up the infection from her how long would it take for them to start showing signs of having it?

      after a dog picks up parvo how long does it take for them to start showing signs of having it?

      after a dog picks up parvo how long does it take for them to start showing signs of having it? General Dog Discussions
    • Hello, Ive recently had 2 pups that contracted parvo, It usually takes 7- 10 days. After that, the dog/dogs are usually in the clear. Dont listen to the docs if they are telling you that the other dogs are probably going to get it too, that is so wrong. I found my 3 pups off the street and 2 of them contracted parvo 4 days after we found them ( so they contracted it off of the street ) Everyone was convinced that the other pup we found ( the 2 pups sister ) would get parvo as well sense her two other brothers had it and she was around them a lot, well as of today she still hasn't gotten it, and the 2 boys that had it are perfectly fine and healthy. So if your dogs are older and has there shots, the chances of them getting it are low, as we had 2 older dogs at home as well, one being 1 year of age,and the other one being 5 years, they haven't gotten it either. So just hang in there, and make sure you clean everything thoroughly and if your vet is nice enough, ask if you can get a little of the parvo spray, its so much easier to clean your house with it, and it doesn't bleach anything as bleach does, and sometimes bleach doesn't kill parvo. So just ask for the parvo spray, and hopefully they'll help you out and give you some. It makes everything 10x easier! Good luck