In Ontario what is the law about taking your dog to the vet?

I know you have to license your dog every year, but what about taking it to the vet? I was reading some stuff online about how getting your pet vaccinated every year can do more harm than good. What is the law? All i found was the in ontario a dog must…

    In Ontario what is the law about taking your dog to the vet?

    I know you have to license your dog every year, but what about taking it to the vet? I was reading some stuff online about how getting your pet vaccinated every year can do more harm than good. What is the law? All i found was the in ontario a dog must…...
    General Dog Discussions : In Ontario what is the law about taking your dog to the vet?...

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    • In Ontario what is the law about taking your dog to the vet?

      In Ontario what is the law about taking your dog to the vet? General Dog Discussions
      I know you have to license your dog every year, but what about taking it to the vet? I was reading some stuff online about how getting your pet vaccinated every year can do more harm than good. What is the law? All i found was the in ontario a dog must have his rabie shot, but it doesn't say how often.Thanks!

      In Ontario what is the law about taking your dog to the vet?

      In Ontario what is the law about taking your dog to the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • You can get a 3-year rabies shot in Ontario. Ask your vet.All other shots are optional.I personally have my adult dogs vaccinated every three years for common harmful diseases - your vet will be able to advise you on which ones are a problem in your area. I do not vaccinate my dogs over 10 years old.If your vet freaks out over not vaccinating annually, find a new one that's more enlightened.EDIT: I do, however, recommend an annual checkup.

    • A rabies vaccination is either a 1-year or 3-year shot, depending on which was given to your dog. It should say on your certificate when you dog needs to be re-vaccinated.Now a word about "vaccinations are bad" - please, take what you read on-line with a LARGE chunk of salt. Yes, I agree that we over-vaccinate our pets, and that's why my dog gets his shots every 3 years, with the approval of my vet, even though that is "off label" for the distemper series.I too have read a lot about vaccinations, and the commentaries are strewn with comments like "no vaccine has ever saved a life", and "if a dog is healthy enough, it can overcome any disease". Um, yeah - that's why polio is eradicated in developed countries, parvo and distemper are no greatly reduced in vaccinated pets, etc. etc. etc.Please please please - do a LOT or research on this, and don't take someone's word as gospel, simply because they don't vaccinate and have never had a problem.