My dog ate a lot of cooked chicken wing bones from the trash?

I don't exactly know how many my dog ate, please help. He's about a year old or so. He's a black lab pointer mix and he's a bit underweight (It's like he doesn't like to eat around us, he eats at night and when we're gone) but it's nothing too serious.…

    My dog ate a lot of cooked chicken wing bones from the trash?

    I don't exactly know how many my dog ate, please help. He's about a year old or so. He's a black lab pointer mix and he's a bit underweight (It's like he doesn't like to eat around us, he eats at night and when we're gone) but it's nothing too serious.…...
    Other Pet Discussions : My dog ate a lot of cooked chicken wing bones from the trash?...

    • My dog ate a lot of cooked chicken wing bones from the trash?

      My dog ate a lot of cooked chicken wing bones from the trash? Other Pet Discussions
      I don't exactly know how many my dog ate, please help. He's about a year old or so. He's a black lab pointer mix and he's a bit underweight (It's like he doesn't like to eat around us, he eats at night and when we're gone) but it's nothing too serious. We had food out for him but he got in the trash and ate a lot of the cooked chicken wing bones we had last night, please please please help! Thank you!

      My dog ate a lot of cooked chicken wing bones from the trash?

      My dog ate a lot of cooked chicken wing bones from the trash? Other Pet Discussions
    • My dog has done the exact same thing. You need to take your dog to the vet immediatly and get X-Rays, the bones could possibly block your dogs intestines and aause serious problems, the X Rays won't be cheap but you need to get him checked out IMMEDIATLY. Good luck!

    • First of all BAD DOG......mine will get into the garbage too! As long as he is eating and drinking fine now he should be okay. The reason they are not supposed to eat cooked chicken bones is because they splinter and get caught in the throat or such. Just watch him to see how he is doing.

    • Please see a vet immediately, if they are not open, call an emergency vet. The bones can get stuck or splinter in the dog's stomach or internal organs. Provide plenty of water until you get him to the vet. Please do not panic, keep calm, or it will make things worse.

    • I would take him to the vet asap. Cooked bones are extremely harmful for dogs, there's a decent chance that the bones could splinter in your dogs digestive tract and cause internal damage.

    • First of all, feed your dog a piece of regular white bread - it will form a cushion around the bones. You need to call your vet, and speak to them immediately. DO NOT make your dog vomit- the bones could do as much damage coming back up. Your vet can direct you as to what to do - please call them right away. There is just as much risk from the chicken fat as the bones themselves - chickens raised for meat only live for about three weeks, and have very soft bones that are more cartilage than anything. But the fat could also bring on pancreatitis, which can also kill your dog - it would show up as a high fever and general overall sickness. Pancreatitis could show up days after the dog hads eaten fatty food. Call your vet immediately for directions - but you can give your dog some fresh white bread, and that will help keep the bones away from his innards.

    • Most dogs (from my experiences) have been alright with eating any kinds of meat product as long as its well cooked. I know many dog foods contain chicken so I'd imagine chicken bones (along with dog's natural tendency to chew bones) wouldn't do any harm. Just make sure he eats it in moderation and its well cooked he should be fine. IF YOU NOTICE ANY UNUSUAL GAGGING, COUGHING UP BONES, OR VOMMITING BLOOD GET HIM TO A VET. Sugar, and especially chocolate, are the big killers of my dogs.