where can I find a good veternarian for my dog?

I have an Australian Cattle Dog. He was born Dec.22,2004. I notice my dog was limping. He was not puting any weight on his left hine leg. I took my dog to the vet and after x-rays and evaluation my vet stated: he has a rupture of the cranial cruciate…

    where can I find a good veternarian for my dog?

    I have an Australian Cattle Dog. He was born Dec.22,2004. I notice my dog was limping. He was not puting any weight on his left hine leg. I took my dog to the vet and after x-rays and evaluation my vet stated: he has a rupture of the cranial cruciate…...
    General Dog Discussions : where can I find a good veternarian for my dog?...

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    • where can I find a good veternarian for my dog?

      where can I find a good veternarian for my dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have an Australian Cattle Dog. He was born Dec.22,2004. I notice my dog was limping. He was not puting any weight on his left hine leg. I took my dog to the vet and after x-rays and evaluation my vet stated: he has a rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament in his left rear leg. In lemen terms one of his ligaments in his rear left leg is torn. My vet. suggested that I take him to Mannases Veternary Hospital for surgery. The treatment is called (TPLO), Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy. The recovery is 8 weeks and the cost is $2,500.00. I would like another opinion before I decide what I am going to do. I need to know of a honest veternarian.

      where can I find a good veternarian for my dog?

      where can I find a good veternarian for my dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Where do you live? You can also ask someone that has a dog what vet they use. Also, use the yellow pages and call a few vets and ask questions regarding this problem and the costs involved. This is why dog owners need medical insurance. Insurance would pay for this procedure. It's too late now. You can also call the local SPCA or Humane Society and ask if they would help with the cost. Good luck with this injury.

    • Talk to the breeder or the shelter where you got the dog. Hopefully they will have a suggestion for you. Good luck. Give your pup a (gentle) hug from me. :)