12 year old pug is starting to walk funny?

My female black pug has lately been walking strange. Its in her back legs. Its only when I take her on walks. Its like her back legs are dragging and slipping. She has health insurance but its for senior dogs so it doesn't cover diseases and cancer. …

    12 year old pug is starting to walk funny?

    My female black pug has lately been walking strange. Its in her back legs. Its only when I take her on walks. Its like her back legs are dragging and slipping. She has health insurance but its for senior dogs so it doesn't cover diseases and cancer. …...
    General Dog Discussions : 12 year old pug is starting to walk funny?...

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    • 12 year old pug is starting to walk funny?

      12 year old pug is starting to walk funny? General Dog Discussions
      My female black pug has lately been walking strange. Its in her back legs. Its only when I take her on walks. Its like her back legs are dragging and slipping. She has health insurance but its for senior dogs so it doesn't cover diseases and cancer. She has a vet appointment soon. Curious about vitamin and holistic remedies. I know she's old but if theres something else I can do besides going to the vet all the time let me know. She also is happy and doesn't appear to be in pain. She can get up and even run when I play with her. Her legs do drag and criss cross when on walks

      12 year old pug is starting to walk funny?

      12 year old pug is starting to walk funny? General Dog Discussions
    • I had a dog who, in his old age, had a little trouble with his hind legs; later he died of a stroke. So I suspect that he may have had minor strokes before, or TIAs. He did not seem in pain so I don't think it was arthritis; but then, dogs often don't show pain unless it is very bad.I know another old dog with trouble with the hind legs, and it seems as if there is a little nerve damage to the legs. I am sure there are many other possibilities.

    • This could be all sorts of things, including arthritis, or loss of muscle tone caused by aging. When you go to the vet, make sure you find out what is causing the problem. Your vet may tell you it could be one of several things. Then research those things on the internet to see what is recommended by way of vitamins and other remedies. Your vet may also be able to advise you on diet and supplements (some will, some just want to focus on medical protocols).