does anyone have any experience with a yorkie giving birth?

please no negative comment- I am NOT a byb, I bought my dog back in november. She is 2 years old, the lady I got her from said she was unable to have babies, her vet confirmed it- they never did the actual "testing" to find out. When I got her she was in…

    does anyone have any experience with a yorkie giving birth?

    please no negative comment- I am NOT a byb, I bought my dog back in november. She is 2 years old, the lady I got her from said she was unable to have babies, her vet confirmed it- they never did the actual "testing" to find out. When I got her she was in…...
    General Dog Discussions : does anyone have any experience with a yorkie giving birth?...

    • does anyone have any experience with a yorkie giving birth?

      does anyone have any experience with a yorkie giving birth? General Dog Discussions
      please no negative comment- I am NOT a byb, I bought my dog back in november. She is 2 years old, the lady I got her from said she was unable to have babies, her vet confirmed it- they never did the actual "testing" to find out. When I got her she was in heat, my vet saw her and said that her not being able to have babies could be true since she was not spotting ir bleeding, but I chose to have her fixed since it can cause cancer as she gets older- she had an appointment to get fixed the 21th of this month. I thought she was sick because I switched her food, and she had loose stool, gas a slight bloating, I called the vet and they said to put her on rice/ boil chicken and slowing add food, thursday I noticed her belly was VERY bloated, so I called and brought her in to make sure it wasn't anything serious (bloat,infection and so on) Comes to find out they did an x ray and she is pregnant- with 3 possible 4. They vet said she is due any day now, gave me some hand outs and told me to research. I have done so much Research, my head is spinning,I switched her to puppy food, im taking her temp 2x a day, made a whelping area, you tubed many videos to know what to expect, I'm prepared for a c section(having to bring her to the hospital if in dis stress, or complications) I'm nervous for my precious baby :( Anyone with some advice would be greatly appreciated**From what the lady said, the male dog that was not fixed that was around her was a yorkie as well, but who knows.....that why im prepared for a c section, i know if it was a bigger dog, its not a good scenarioThank you guys! Im trying to be calm :) It was def a SHOCK! <3 Thanks so muchFirst off, this is NOT bs, I wouldn't waste my time- second of all she was born with a birth defect- no tail, it was not doc'ed- since she was around in tack males her whole life before i got her and went into heat 3 times with no spotting, her previous vet said she prob could not reproduce, no testing was done to confirm it- If you read my details she had an appointment the 21 to get fixed, if you knew so much, they cant spay them while "in heat""She is due any day now, the vet said nothing about the option to abort, and she did go over everything to look for and what to expect and what was "normal" and what was not- She is an excellent vet and told me to Research as much as I could to prepare myself- she will be getting fixed 8 weeks after giving birth, and how dare you come on her with such negative feedback, read the details, I asked for no negative comments. Im on her asking for advise, NOT someone questioning my situation- I have 3 children, the last thing I planned on was taking care of a pregnant dog and puppies, but im making the best of it and trying to get advice from someone who has gone through it before, so if you dont have any helpful advice, please do not comment on my question, I'm looking for info, not put downs.

      does anyone have any experience with a yorkie giving birth?

      does anyone have any experience with a yorkie giving birth? General Dog Discussions
    • The vet should have sized up the puppies to an extent and warned you if they looked to large. If she gave you packets then all your info is right there and it will tell you what to look at for. Read them well, once labor starts just sit back calmly and watch her to ensure it goes smoothly. Again the packets should have info on how long it should take between puppies and what danger signs to watch for. She will most likely pop out the babies and care for them so don't stress to much. I have not delivered puppies but I have had more than my fair share or horses,cattle,swine and goats and they all do just fine. And if not the warning signs are pretty obvious. Ask the vet if there is anyway possibly to have her or a nurse assist you. They may even be able to keep her there. Some vets will do this and some won't.

    • Dog births always hold a risk, and any birth for that matter. The most important thing to do is stay calm. Birth is a natural thing, and every living thing was built to give it. It's clear that you love your dog, and care about her well-being very much. For the days to come, you need to just relax all the anxious thoughts about a problem and having to visit the vet. Of course that's a possibility, but it hasn't happened yet. Just be prepared for the birth, and be excited! Four new pups! When the time comes, be there for her. Monitor her behavior, do what the vet told you. But most importantly, be calm. Your dog can sense your distress. She'll get through it, they mostly always do. Let nature take its course.Congratulations! Good luck to you and your pups!

    • You know, I just have such a hard time believing any of this. A dog who goes into heat CAN get pregnant. There is no fertility test. So that is a load of BS.No good vet is just going to send a client home and tell them to "research" with a pregnant dog and no experience.If you were that nervous for your "precious baby", you would have the vet do a spay/abort, to keep her safe, and ensure this doesn't happen again.Please get her spayed, if she lives, and give the pups to Yorkie rescue so they can find them safe homes that won't breed them.ETA:Of course a dog can be spayed when in heat. It just costs more and can be risky. So much for what you think you know there.And why on earth would you think nameless people on an Internet site are appropriate resources for something so important as the health of a dog? You want advice from someone who has gone through it before? Ask your VET!A dog can certainly experience a "silent" heat, look it up. No vet would ever tell you she couldn't reproduce because she had silent heat cycles. Once again, BS.If you don't want negative comments, tell the truth, and get your advice on care from a vet. And having three children has what to do with this question?