Should I put my dog down?

My dog is 16 she is blind almost deaf. If you look at her she seems ok. She eats ok but her hind legs hurt her. I carry her up and down our stairs, as well as hand feed her. We have to walk her to her water bowl because she cannot find it. She seems…

    Should I put my dog down?

    My dog is 16 she is blind almost deaf. If you look at her she seems ok. She eats ok but her hind legs hurt her. I carry her up and down our stairs, as well as hand feed her. We have to walk her to her water bowl because she cannot find it. She seems…...
    General Dog Discussions : Should I put my dog down?...

    • Should I put my dog down?

      Should I put my dog down? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is 16 she is blind almost deaf. If you look at her she seems ok. She eats ok but her hind legs hurt her. I carry her up and down our stairs, as well as hand feed her. We have to walk her to her water bowl because she cannot find it. She seems sad. she will stand for hours in front our window which we leave open all year long. she will spin for hours while standing there. However, I cannot bear to put her down. am I being selfish?

      Should I put my dog down?

      Should I put my dog down? General Dog Discussions
    • I know exactly how you feel. It's not a bad thing to feel selfish, but you have to think of the dog and the pains she is in. Please, give her her wings, it's her time :)

    • It is a very hard decision to make but you need to weigh the quality of her life right now, do you think she is in pain? Sit down with your vet and have him/her help you make an informed decision.I had to have a horse put down about 30 years ago... it was one of the hardest decisions of my life but I couldn't let her suffer. The pain in your heart will go away eventually, and you will know you did what was best.

    • Just speak with your vet about her quality of life. If she's just suffering, then the most humane thing to do is put her down. I know its hard to put down your beloved pet that you've had for so long, but you have to think about what is best for her. It won't be easy and you may even feel like its not her time, but you have to do what is best for the dog.

    • i feal very bad for you. if ur dogs in pain, and i cant be helped and could never get better. then yes. i'm very sorry, but think of this, it's quite old for a dog so it has had a long good life, and it will be in a better place.

    • I don't know what "spin for hours" means.Just sit there, for hours?Anyways, don't put her down, as u say.If she loses her continence( cannot control her urine or poop), then it's time.But right now, it seems she is just getting old and stuff.

    • I don't think you are being selfish, It's terrible to loose a pet. I don't think your dog is ready yet. You should check with your vet, but your dog will tell you when she is ready. You and her have the connection and love inside that you will see that look and that is her telling you it's okay.

    • I'm so sorry. I don't have a good answer for you, but this question really struck me. You seem very devoted to your dog, and helping her in all the right ways. You need to consider how you will feel once she's gone. Vets usually ask owners to pick their dog's three favorite things to do. If the dog can't do any of them anymore, they say its time to put them down. I know I would have the worst time doing something like I have a 14 year old dog. I wish I could give you the answer, but you'll know in your heart what is right for her.My fiance and his family recently put their dog down, and his mom said Charlie (the dog) looked at her and she knew he was ready and it was time. A lot of people say you can sense it from your dog.I can't say yes or no either way, just love her as much as you can, no matter what, and help her to be happy in any way you can.

    • yes i think you are being selfish. it's okay, to feel this way. i think it's her time to go. she has gven you many years of joy and love but she will still be their mentally but not physically. after all the love she has given you, don't you think it would be selfish to make her suffer.sorry, and i hope you make a good choice!

    • I don't think you are being selfish...I would be the same way.I know dogs arent people but she might not want to die.If I were you i would make the rest of her life as happy as possible and not put her down. But it is your desicion.

    • i had to put my dog down because of back problems, he couldn't walk, and we had to hand feed him. He got paralized in his legs.answer these questions:can she walk by himself?is there anything causing pain to her?would you be happy in the same position as her (after adjusting to changes)?then, use your judgement. I don't want to tell you what to do, you know your own dog. hope this helps, and good luck with her!

    • yes. if your dog isnt happy, its best. yes, its hard, but think about her... life goes on, and you cant keep her suffering for your personal benifit. sorry. and im sure she will be much happier in doggie heaven, and she will always appreciate all you love and sorry. i hope everything turns out okay.

    • I wouldn't know what that feels like for you to have to see your poor dog do, as my dog is only soon to be 2 and is my first dog ever. Don't feel like you are being selfish, 16 years is a long time. I don't blame you for not wanting to let her go. But I think she must be in a lot of pain. I wouldn't want to let her go either,but I think it's something that should probably happen. I hope things go wel for you and your dog <3

    • not being selfish, thats just a hard decision to make. it really depends, lots of dogs lose senses as they get older, same as any other animal. i guess if she still seems happy doing her day to day activities and is not in constant pain from the back legs, would let her hang on a little longer, if her legs are bothering her all the time then it might be time unfortunately. i would however try some k-9 arthritis medicine first, can be bought at any pet store.