i think my dog is coming in labor soon?

a dogs av temp is like well i dont know you tell me and her temp is 98.7 shes a boston terrier we took her to the vet and she is for sure pregoh her temp rose to 99

    i think my dog is coming in labor soon?

    a dogs av temp is like well i dont know you tell me and her temp is 98.7 shes a boston terrier we took her to the vet and she is for sure pregoh her temp rose to 99...
    General Dog Discussions : i think my dog is coming in labor soon?...

    • i think my dog is coming in labor soon?

      i think my dog is coming in labor soon? General Dog Discussions
      a dogs av temp is like well i dont know you tell me and her temp is 98.7 shes a boston terrier we took her to the vet and she is for sure pregoh her temp rose to 99

      i think my dog is coming in labor soon?

      i think my dog is coming in labor soon? General Dog Discussions
    • I am going to copy and paste the answer I gave earlier to a similar question.:I hope all turns out well with your dog and her pups, and I will say a special prayer that it does since I am guessing this was an accident. I am going to answer your question because I do want the puppies and the mom to be ok. And I do believe you should see a vet. But I believe you may be handling this on your own, so...in the interest of the dog and pups... and hoping you will have her spayed after this and make sure every single pup gets a really good home...Here are the guidelines to go by from the Dog Breed Info Center:If you know about when she was in heat and mated, count to 61 days and that should put you well within range as most go about 64 to 66 days. The following are guidelines for Stages 1 thru 3 of normal whelping:What to expectYour Female will show some of these signs or all of them. If your experience is not normal from things you have read, you should call your vet. Delaying HELP from a Vet could endanger your Dam and pups. This is a time to remember to be Safe rather than sorryFirst stage of Labor: (This stage often goes un-noticed, and takes place in the 24 hours following temperature drop)Temperature FINALLY drops to 98°F from its normal 99,100,101°F (you should have been taking it regularly for a few days)If you are really committed, the temperature taking does work. You will find her temperature around 99 to 101, and as soon as it starts to drop, below 99, and continues to drop. (now you take it every hour or two) ;you have about 12-24 hours from the start of the drop. When it bottoms out, to 98 or 97.9, then you have about 2-12 hours.You may find your dam much more restless, and not able to get comfortable. She will stretch out on her side. You may find her eyes different, they can dilate, and she can stare at you.She may not want you out of her site. She may go to her whelp box.She may vomit. She may try to have a bowel movement from the pressure. She may urinate frequent.She will refuse to eat, and seek a quite spot, like a closet or under a bed.She may have some mucus discharge, and her Vulva area will become puffier..The normal body temperature for animals is generally higher than for humans. The normal rectal temperature of a dog is 99.5° to 102.5°F. The normal temperature of a puppy at birth is 96-97°F. The temperature gradually increases with age until it is 100°F at 4 weeks of age.Second Stage of Labor:Your female may go to her whelp box, or couch, or wherever she has chosen to have her pups, & start digging.She may start shivering and Panting, examining her rear, and licking her vulva. She may have mild contractions, vomiting, pooping and urinating more.Warning Signs: Twitching, green discharge. (Green discharge is only Normal AFTER a pup is born)At the first sign of a contraction, give her some calcium. Offer her vanilla Ice cream, or chew a tum and spit in her mouth, or use Calsorb.Third stage of Labor:Water sacs present, and breakShivering and Panting may continue and get stronger. AS well as digging.Contractions will become stronger and closer together.Vomiting, grunting and pushing.Warning Signs: pushing on a pup for over an hour causing exhaustion (more warning signs listed below)Normal and preferred time, to push on one puppy that is in the birth canal, is 2 to 10 minutes.A puppy 1/2 out and stuck and breech, must be pulled out, or it will drown. If pushing doesn't get this puppy out within a few minutes.Since she is exhibiting signs of being ready now, it would be really wise to take her to the vet. Also, I am not going to flog you any more for this, but I would ask that you visit an animal shelter and see what happens to a lot of dogs because of this type thing. The dog world is so very over-populated and all of these dogs need a good and loving home. Too many are destroyed every day for something they had nothing to do with. I rescue and see it all the time. And my heart gets broken every single day. So please consider all the very good advice you have been given here.Best wishes.