It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail?

It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail. He can go for a day without it bothering him, but he has bitten the hair off and has small hairless patch on the middle of the tail. Any ideas on what this might…

    It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail?

    It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail. He can go for a day without it bothering him, but he has bitten the hair off and has small hairless patch on the middle of the tail. Any ideas on what this might…...
    General Dog Discussions : It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail?...

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    • It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail?

      It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail? General Dog Discussions
      It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail. He can go for a day without it bothering him, but he has bitten the hair off and has small hairless patch on the middle of the tail. Any ideas on what this might be?

      It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail?

      It seems my dog has little burst of itching attacks that happen in the middle of his tail? General Dog Discussions
    • Agreed, it sounds like fleas.They typically are seen around the back end and tail. Especially if its a sudden movement to itch than it may be fleas. One flea bit can cause an allergic reaction in some dogs and cause them to be incredibly itchy and loose hair.Use a good flea prevention product (advantage, frontline, comfortis- nothing over the counter and no flea collars).A trip to the vet is also recommended, it may not just be fleas, it could be allergies, or a skin infection. Excessive chewing/biting at flea bites can also cause secondary skin infections requiring antibiotics.