Vet diagnosed dog with endiocarditis and I need to know if she will get better soon.?

Very sick and vet has given antibiotics . . has had for 48 hours . . leaving on vacation and want to take her and want to know from someone if their pet ever had this and how long they were so sick.Her heart is beating so fast and I am so worried.

    Vet diagnosed dog with endiocarditis and I need to know if she will get better soon.?

    Very sick and vet has given antibiotics . . has had for 48 hours . . leaving on vacation and want to take her and want to know from someone if their pet ever had this and how long they were so sick.Her heart is beating so fast and I am so worried....
    General Dog Discussions : Vet diagnosed dog with endiocarditis and I need to know if she will get better soon.?...

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    • Vet diagnosed dog with endiocarditis and I need to know if she will get better soon.?

      Vet diagnosed dog with endiocarditis and I need to know if she will get better soon.? General Dog Discussions
      Very sick and vet has given antibiotics . . has had for 48 hours . . leaving on vacation and want to take her and want to know from someone if their pet ever had this and how long they were so sick.Her heart is beating so fast and I am so worried.

      Vet diagnosed dog with endiocarditis and I need to know if she will get better soon.?

      Vet diagnosed dog with endiocarditis and I need to know if she will get better soon.? General Dog Discussions
    • Endocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle and valves. It is good that the vet has made an early diagnosis. If left untreated it can be a very lethal disease. As with any antibiotic, it can take several days to get into the body system and reach the heart. If you take your baby on vacation with you, I would suggest finding a local vet is and take a copy of your vets records. I personally would cancel my trip all together and stay home. The trip may be too much stress on an already sick animal.