would a tumor on my dogs nipple cause her back legs to hurt?

she has an appointment to have it removed on the 10th of next month, but as of about 4 hours ago she began to act like her back legs were hurting. Since yesterday it has grown, but she licks it and pulls on the nipple. It looks a more swollen than usual.…

    would a tumor on my dogs nipple cause her back legs to hurt?

    she has an appointment to have it removed on the 10th of next month, but as of about 4 hours ago she began to act like her back legs were hurting. Since yesterday it has grown, but she licks it and pulls on the nipple. It looks a more swollen than usual.…...
    General Dog Discussions : would a tumor on my dogs nipple cause her back legs to hurt?...

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    • would a tumor on my dogs nipple cause her back legs to hurt?

      would a tumor on my dogs nipple cause her back legs to hurt? General Dog Discussions
      she has an appointment to have it removed on the 10th of next month, but as of about 4 hours ago she began to act like her back legs were hurting. Since yesterday it has grown, but she licks it and pulls on the nipple. It looks a more swollen than usual. We have given her aspirin per our vet and a benadryl and she is sleeping it off now. just wondering if it would cause her to act like this.

      would a tumor on my dogs nipple cause her back legs to hurt?

      would a tumor on my dogs nipple cause her back legs to hurt? General Dog Discussions