What are these little spots on my dogs tail?

My dog has developed these little black spots on his tail. I dont know how long they have been there because his groomer just pointed them out. If you pull back his long fur, you can see these tiny little black bumps underneath his skin about the size of…

    What are these little spots on my dogs tail?

    My dog has developed these little black spots on his tail. I dont know how long they have been there because his groomer just pointed them out. If you pull back his long fur, you can see these tiny little black bumps underneath his skin about the size of…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are these little spots on my dogs tail?...

    • What are these little spots on my dogs tail?

      What are these little spots on my dogs tail? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has developed these little black spots on his tail. I dont know how long they have been there because his groomer just pointed them out. If you pull back his long fur, you can see these tiny little black bumps underneath his skin about the size of a pin head. Some of these little lumps look to have heads on them. He doesnt seem to be itching or trying to bite at his tail, but I'm quite concerned as to what they are. has anyone ever experienced anything like this? Thanks.

      What are these little spots on my dogs tail?

      What are these little spots on my dogs tail? General Dog Discussions
    • Ticks! Hurry and take snooky wooky doggy to the vet before they get to deep. You could get them out yourself, get some twezzers and proxide simply do as if you were plugging your eyebrows. Afterward pore alittle drop of proxide on the holes, what would be even better to do is get some qtips.