Do you treat your dogs with alternative medicines?

Like my dog got ringworm, i didnt notice, she gave it to my 3 year old, i had to wait 4 days to take them to dr and vet, so i used apple cider vinegar and salt, cured them both 4 xs a day for a week and a half. Went away after 4 days thoughAnd before you…

    Do you treat your dogs with alternative medicines?

    Like my dog got ringworm, i didnt notice, she gave it to my 3 year old, i had to wait 4 days to take them to dr and vet, so i used apple cider vinegar and salt, cured them both 4 xs a day for a week and a half. Went away after 4 days thoughAnd before you…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you treat your dogs with alternative medicines?...

    • Do you treat your dogs with alternative medicines?

      Do you treat your dogs with alternative medicines? General Dog Discussions
      Like my dog got ringworm, i didnt notice, she gave it to my 3 year old, i had to wait 4 days to take them to dr and vet, so i used apple cider vinegar and salt, cured them both 4 xs a day for a week and a half. Went away after 4 days thoughAnd before you bash me, i took my son to the dr and he said there was no ringworm, so i decided against taking my dog to vet. Im sure they had it

      Do you treat your dogs with alternative medicines?

      Do you treat your dogs with alternative medicines? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, although I use alternative things to prevent illness. My dogs never been sick (beside when I rescued him, which he had to be professionally treated as he was very ill and I did not know). For somethings I am all for natural, other things I let the vet handle :)

    • Yes I do. Strongly believe in holistic preventitives and I don't have a lot of faith in vaccinations but that's just my opinion...There are some old farmer treatments that work but I think a combination of both is the way to go. Knowing when to head straight to the vet is important too but let's be honest $ is tight and just because I can't fork over hundreds of dollars to the vet doesn't mean I'm a bad dog owner...