Will a vet be able to help my kitten walk again?

my stupid dog grabbed my 6 week old kitten from the back and let him go, but now his back legs are paralyzed.he was grabbed about 1/2 inch below the spinal cord. My dad really wont care about the kitten so he wont give me to money to be getting him a…

    Will a vet be able to help my kitten walk again?

    my stupid dog grabbed my 6 week old kitten from the back and let him go, but now his back legs are paralyzed.he was grabbed about 1/2 inch below the spinal cord. My dad really wont care about the kitten so he wont give me to money to be getting him a…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will a vet be able to help my kitten walk again?...

    • Will a vet be able to help my kitten walk again?

      Will a vet be able to help my kitten walk again? General Dog Discussions
      my stupid dog grabbed my 6 week old kitten from the back and let him go, but now his back legs are paralyzed.he was grabbed about 1/2 inch below the spinal cord. My dad really wont care about the kitten so he wont give me to money to be getting him a weelchair every week because hes growing, will the vet be able to help him walk again?he will only give me about 200 hundred dollars.

      Will a vet be able to help my kitten walk again?

      Will a vet be able to help my kitten walk again? General Dog Discussions
    • That's really sad. I don't know, it will depend on the type of damage done by the dog. Possibly it's only some nerve damage, but if it's a spinal cord injury probably not.My sister has a cat who got hit by a car and shattered it's back leg (only one leg though). They had to amputate the leg, but the cat has learned to walk on 3 legs.I wish you and your kitten luck.

    • Im sorry to hear that. Usually, a wheelchair is the only way. But that wouldnt be much of a life for a kitten. I think the kindest thing to do would be to have him humanly euthanized.

    • There are many reasons for not walking. Some more serious than others. The spinal cord could be pinched.A disk could have slipped and is crushing the cord.There could be blood on the cord, but usually the animal would have died soon after wards.Take it to the vet, but I doubt that at 6 weeks old they can do much, as it is still pretty small. They would probably advise it to be put down, which is cheapest and least painful method to go.Also, if you had gotten the kitten to the vet immediately, its possibly she wouldn't be paralyzed now. You shouldn't have waited. /your kitten was injured and it is your responsibility as an owner to get it immediate medical care, not wait and ask random people on the net. Nerve damage rarely goes away on its on, and left untreated, can cause death, and paralysis can spread throughout the entire body.