Do dogs experience sciatica pain like humans?

Last Thursday my dog was paralyzed from the waist down. took him to the vet and they said that he would need back surgery for $8K and I said that wasn't going to happen so there is another treatment we opted for an that was to feed him steriods and…

    Do dogs experience sciatica pain like humans?

    Last Thursday my dog was paralyzed from the waist down. took him to the vet and they said that he would need back surgery for $8K and I said that wasn't going to happen so there is another treatment we opted for an that was to feed him steriods and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do dogs experience sciatica pain like humans?...

    • Do dogs experience sciatica pain like humans?

      Do dogs experience sciatica pain like humans? General Dog Discussions
      Last Thursday my dog was paralyzed from the waist down. took him to the vet and they said that he would need back surgery for $8K and I said that wasn't going to happen so there is another treatment we opted for an that was to feed him steriods and muscle far, he is walking but I was hoping someone might have an answer as to why he was immobilized. One day he is fine and overnight he's not.

      Do dogs experience sciatica pain like humans?

      Do dogs experience sciatica pain like humans? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, dogs can experience sciatic pain like humans. It is called Cauda Equina pain. If the dog has a herniated disk that caused this, the disk could be pressing on something major. He is walking some most likely because of the steriods, which is not a long term fix, only a short term for inflammation.

    • Yes, they indeed suffer sciatica from nerve damage. I have been through it, and it is pure h3!!. You may ask about applying gentle traction to the spine. Consult your vet.

    • Apparently they can get an equivalent to sciatica. I highly recommend the Yahoo Conservative Management Group below. There are a number of people who work for vets in this group and they are VERY HELPFUL. The aim of THIS group is to give the dog quality of life and as much healing as possible without going to the expense of surgery. JOIN them NOW! PLEASE! I did and my dog ended up needing surgery, but they were VERY helpful anyway. -!-