When do I know enough is enough? Should I euthanize my dog?

Mon my dog of 12 yrs was diagnosed with a brain tumor. His front legs are paralyzed. Vet gave him steriods, he is sitting up now sometimes but still has no use of front legs. He just lays around and shakes. He is my baby and it's breaking my heart. BUT I…

    When do I know enough is enough? Should I euthanize my dog?

    Mon my dog of 12 yrs was diagnosed with a brain tumor. His front legs are paralyzed. Vet gave him steriods, he is sitting up now sometimes but still has no use of front legs. He just lays around and shakes. He is my baby and it's breaking my heart. BUT I…...
    General Dog Discussions : When do I know enough is enough? Should I euthanize my dog?...

    • i think you already know in your heart that the time is now,its the hardest thing that you will ever do.I have been through it 4 times and it never gets any easier.god bless to you and your dog.x

    • I am so sorry you are going through this. We went through this with our Basset Hound, Buddy, 2 years ago. He had cancer. For me, and my husband I think, we just knew in our hearts that it was time. He was hurting and we both felt that he just wanted to go. I can't explain how you know, you just do.We were lucky enough to have a vet who let us hold him and love on him when she did it. His last memories were not of being left at the vet alone but of being loved by his Mom and Dad.

    • Much as I hate to say it, I feel you should let him go. He has no quality of life from what you say, and absolutely no dignity, and YES those of you who laugh, dogs do have dignity! You want your memories of him to be good, so my advice is let him go now sweetheart, before the bad ones take over. I am so sorry.

    • if at any point, a dog cannot be a dog: if they can't do doggy things and enjoy life, they need to be put down. That doesn't mean every dog with a disability, as many dogs live fantastic lives with no eyes or only 3 legs or whatever. It is those who will never be able to run(or roll with wheels) on the grass, who can't smell and appreciate garbage, who can't even lift their jowls to give a doggy grin because they are dead inside. They long to run and give you kisses when you came home from work, but they can't even stand without falling, then they need to go to that resting place. I tis tough to do, everyone hopes for that miracle, that they will just snap out of it, but the miracle it that we can have them put down at home now, pain free while they can see us and have that last peace.