I think my dog might have consumed aprox. 5mgs of tenoxicam, what do I do?

please help :SHe's a 7month old 7kg pug/rat terrier. It's been a few hours now and he seems fine, if there was a side effect it would have shown up by now right?

    I think my dog might have consumed aprox. 5mgs of tenoxicam, what do I do?

    please help :SHe's a 7month old 7kg pug/rat terrier. It's been a few hours now and he seems fine, if there was a side effect it would have shown up by now right?...
    General Dog Discussions : I think my dog might have consumed aprox. 5mgs of tenoxicam, what do I do?...

    • I think my dog might have consumed aprox. 5mgs of tenoxicam, what do I do?

      I think my dog might have consumed aprox. 5mgs of tenoxicam, what do I do? General Dog Discussions
      please help :SHe's a 7month old 7kg pug/rat terrier. It's been a few hours now and he seems fine, if there was a side effect it would have shown up by now right?

      I think my dog might have consumed aprox. 5mgs of tenoxicam, what do I do?

      I think my dog might have consumed aprox. 5mgs of tenoxicam, what do I do? General Dog Discussions
    • This is a drug in the classification of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatories like Motrin, etc.Side effects include headache, nervousness, diarrhea, vomiting, and all the side effects that other NSAIDs have mostly gastro-intestinal Watch for intestinal bleeding or vomiting blood.You don't say what size dog this was, but 5mgs would be a problem with a very small dog, and if that's the case, I would contact your vet.