where can i find free online books for potty training a puppy?

Can someone tell me a good book online for free that I can read on tips to potty training a puppy?

    where can i find free online books for potty training a puppy?

    Can someone tell me a good book online for free that I can read on tips to potty training a puppy?...
    General Dog Discussions : where can i find free online books for potty training a puppy?...

    • where can i find free online books for potty training a puppy?

      where can i find free online books for potty training a puppy? General Dog Discussions
      Can someone tell me a good book online for free that I can read on tips to potty training a puppy?

      where can i find free online books for potty training a puppy?

      where can i find free online books for potty training a puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • You don't need books, its not rocket science,HOW TO TOILET TRAIN A PUPPY.When the vet says that your dog cannot be taken out until after its injections/shots, this does not mean that it cannot be taken into your own fenced garden/yard. It simply means that your puppy must be kept away from anywhere that could have been contaminated by other dogs. To help with it’s socialisation you can visit friends, with the proviso that they do not have a dog. Your puppy can be carried around the outside perimeter of a supermarket; you can also stand outside the school gates to get it used to children. You can take it out in a car and park where your puppy can see passers by.Please do not be tempted to train your puppy to eliminate in the house. It must be taken into your garden/yard every hour, after it eats or drinks and when it wakes up after a nap. You should also take it out just before you go to bed, every time you see it eliminate you must praise your puppy. I use a catch phrase when my puppy has a pee, I say “get one” while it is urinating and “big job” when it passes faeces. If you do this your dog will pee on command when it is older. (Unless it’s bladder is empty)You should set your alarm and try to take your puppy out about twice during the night. If like me you are a heavy sleeper and you don’t trust yourself to wake up, take the lazy way out. My puppy’s sleep in the laundry room until they are toilet trained, during the day I dip newspapers into the urine which it has passed in the garden and put these on top of a thick pad of newspaper at night, they are drawn to this because of the smell and they will pee on this during the night. Nevertheless I go to bed very late and get up very early when I have a puppy. Eventually your puppy will go to the door when it knows that it wants to eliminate. In spite of the fact that I leave newspapers down at night my puppy’s are clean from an early age. However they are like babies, they have no control until they are older. Regardless of how diligent you are your puppy could still have an accident in the house during the day, it you see it stooping or peeing, pick it up and let it finish in the garden/yard.