Is there any way to clean my little Fila Brasileiro puppy?

He's been home for about 3 days already and was brought in with 1 month and 2 weeks. He's full white with brown spots, male and very quite (wich amazed me because he only cried 1 night). Butthe thing is that he's cute and all, but has a foul body odor…

    Is there any way to clean my little Fila Brasileiro puppy?

    He's been home for about 3 days already and was brought in with 1 month and 2 weeks. He's full white with brown spots, male and very quite (wich amazed me because he only cried 1 night). Butthe thing is that he's cute and all, but has a foul body odor…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there any way to clean my little Fila Brasileiro puppy?...

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    • Is there any way to clean my little Fila Brasileiro puppy?

      Is there any way to clean my little Fila Brasileiro puppy? General Dog Discussions
      He's been home for about 3 days already and was brought in with 1 month and 2 weeks. He's full white with brown spots, male and very quite (wich amazed me because he only cried 1 night). Butthe thing is that he's cute and all, but has a foul body odor for a puppy and is covered with a little mud. His breath also stinks like burned rubber. I'm afraid to do something stupid so instead I'm here asking the Yahoo Community for help. His Veterinarian appointment for the vaccines and other is in about 2 weeks. I'm going to buy him toys and other neccesary items next week. So is there any way I can give him a bath without him getting sick and also wash his teeth or breath? He only has been eating puppy dog food and will keep eating it until the appointment. Also are there any treats I can give him? Thanks in advance.Ps: I'm 16 years old so there might be something in wich my parents have to help.

      Is there any way to clean my little Fila Brasileiro puppy?

      Is there any way to clean my little Fila Brasileiro puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to move up your vet appointment. A new puppy needs to be seen by a vet as soon as you bring him home-- especially because he doesn't seem healthy. Puppies don't usually have horrible odor...

    • His breath should be sweet at this age, not have a strong odor. Combined with the body odor, I'd definitely have him seen. Could be a dietary thing, or could be some sort of bacterial issue maybe.You can certainly bathe him in the sink. If you don't have a rubber mat to cover the bottom and make it less slippery, you can use an old towel in the bottom and use a small cup to rinse and wet him with.There are shampoos that are ok'ed for puppies, stick with that or a hypoallergenic/unscented baby shampoo - some perfumes can be kind of harsh on the skin if it's not formulated specifically for animals.I'm also kind of curious - what's up that the breeder sent him home 2 weeks earlier than recommended? He should have been with mom til 8 weeks old ideally.