Will tape worms make a dog harder to house train?

My poor puppies. Took them to the vet today because we saw worms and yep, sure enough tape worms.One of my puppies is 1 1/2 months old and the other one is 6 months old. My little puppy poops in the house and we can't get him to stop. His big brother has…

    Will tape worms make a dog harder to house train?

    My poor puppies. Took them to the vet today because we saw worms and yep, sure enough tape worms.One of my puppies is 1 1/2 months old and the other one is 6 months old. My little puppy poops in the house and we can't get him to stop. His big brother has…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will tape worms make a dog harder to house train?...

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    • Will tape worms make a dog harder to house train?

      Will tape worms make a dog harder to house train? General Dog Discussions
      My poor puppies. Took them to the vet today because we saw worms and yep, sure enough tape worms.One of my puppies is 1 1/2 months old and the other one is 6 months old. My little puppy poops in the house and we can't get him to stop. His big brother has started doing it too! Now I'm wondering if it was because they had worms and *needed to go* more than a healthy dog. What do you think?

      Will tape worms make a dog harder to house train?

      Will tape worms make a dog harder to house train? General Dog Discussions
    • They certainly don't help. Younger dogs will defacate more because of speedy metabolism, you should try finding a food that keeps the need to poops down. If that has no change on their toilet behaviors, go see a vet. P.S. If it's a worms, the vet can get rid of them pretty fast.

    • Tapeworms can cause diarrhea but once treated by your vet they should only survive about week at most. After that they will be flushed from your puppy's system. So no, it really shouldn't hinder your training your puppy to go outside. The rule of thumb is this. Your dog can "hold it" an hour for every month he is old. So if your dog is one and half months old than he can only hold it for about one and a half hours. The one and a half month old poops in the house because he doesn't know any better, he's much too young. The six month old should be able to "hold it" for about six hours.

    • No. Because tapeworms are effectively treated for with one pill given at your vets office. And are easily diagnosed, by seeing rice-like worms in the poop. So the problem shouldn't last so long, the housebreaking should be an issue.A 1 1/2 month old puppy isn't old enough to know better yet. In fact, a 1 1/2 month old puppy should still be with his litter with his mother and come to you already dewormed.A 6 month old puppy should be, if not housebroken, at least with the knowledge that it shouldn't poop in the house, barring episodes where it is uncontrollabe due to diarrhea or not being let out often enough. It is quicker to teach puppy to do #2 outside than it is #1. Likely he was confused because the younger puppy was getting away with pooping in the house, especially if you weren't using a cleaner made to remove the smell well enough that puppy couldn't detect it. So he thought he might try it to.Be consistant and paitient. They will get it figured out eventually.

    • no but my question is what have you done about the fleas that cause tapeworm you know just shampooing only kills the fleas on the dog at teh time, Just worming kills the worms the dog (pup) has at teh time but if they stillhave fleas will continue to get. Teh dogs, house and yard all need to be treated for teh fleas